PlutusDefi releases year-long campaign to become the largest Full Stack DeFi platform
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7 min readJun 25, 2020

PlutusDefi has never had small dreams. To us, Decentralized Finance (or DEFI) is a belief in absolute freedom. Every other DEFI projects or startups are a half-step towards truly taking control away from corruptible centralized bankers and financial institutions. We are the solution to achieve a total decoupling and true sovereign wealth for everyone with our strong focus on anonymized privacy at the protocol level.

We are announcing several new integrations and features that are completely unique to the DeFi space. Unlike other platforms, who just focus on reducing fees down as much as possible, we are opting for users to stake into the network by holding a very small amount of PLT tokens to access certain features. Wallet balance checks are utilised to check the users account balance for PLT at the time of transacting.

This approach will reinforce PlutusDefi’s commitment to having a 100% value capture token approach to our platform.

DeFi’s biggest elephant in the room

Almost all other DeFi platforms and projects accumulate revenue in crypto or fiat and do not have a mechanism in which users are able to stake their interests into the entire DeFi space. This value is extracted away from the ecosystem in a never-ending feedback loop. With the PlutusDeFi token, value is locked in long-term, with access and features being unlocked with a minimal amount of tokens per user, held and verified with a soft balance check on the blockchain. Companies operating zero-fees are not sustainable long-term, and have already moved to usurping interest from money-market protocols and within transaction fees.

The PlutusDeFi model is unique; our company, platform and products are able to survive simply by users purchasing PLT tokens and simply holding them. Our native tokens circulating supply will significantly decrease overtime, thus increasing the companies stake of tokens drastically, with the help of a micro-cap valuation on the PlutusDefi Token.

Participating in the Token Sale

We have not listed or generated our token yet, please be aware of potential scams.
If you are interested in participating in the final token sale round, you can register at:
You will need to KYC before or after your contribution is made, however as some individuals may not have valid documentation ready immediately due to service limitations globally as per COVID-19 restrictions, we have allowed users to contribute before token distribution, however you do need to complete KYC.
For any queries or issues please email

ETH Mixers & DeFi Lending- Plutus ETH Bl3nd3r (Blender)

We know that there are liquidity issues and risks with going into privacy protocols on Ethereum, this is why we are integrating a fusion of options for users to anonymise and protect themselves from potential attacks and privacy snooping.

PlutusDeFi will integrate privacy mixers such as Tornado Cash, and our own PlutusDeFi ETH bl3nd3r, as an optional tool for users on the platform, allowing them to shield and mask their ETH transactions into lending protocols.

By creating our own ETH mixer, users will face reduced transaction costs compared to using stand-alone mixers with lending platforms. Furthermore, with our own native mixer, users will not face risks of seizures by centralised lending platforms and exchanges.

Users will need to hold a minimal amount of PLT tokens in their wallets to access the feature

DeFi Debit Cards

Spending crypto-assets is a popular demand among many. At the moment, card providers charge fees of up to 10% built into the spreads of ETH and BTC prices, simply for acting as a middleman to main exchange providers.

We plan on launching a DeFi debit card via providers in Eastern Europe, for those users who wish to de-anonymise and complete a light KYC (This is an optional feature and users will not be forced to open debit cards), in order help users spend interest accrued and get quoted reasonable ETH, Altcoin and BTC prices from DEXs. Being a DeFi user and support should not mean being locked out of centralised financial solutions.

Users will need to hold a minimal amount of PLT tokens in their wallets to access the feature

DeFi lending into Africa via Mobile Credits — PlutusDeFi to M-Pesa (Tanzania)

Over the past year, we have been drawing up solutions which push decentralised financial solutions in a non-abstract way to real people on the ground. Earning interest will be simple; by sending text commands — mobile users across Africa will be able to deposit and withdraw into money market protocols such as Compound, DyDx, Aave and

PlutusDeFi to M-Pesa

We have found a potential solution of allowing users throughout African countries to send their native currencies via mobile money credits to Local PlutusDeFi mobile money business accounts and authorised agents. Mobile Money Credits are the main vehicle of localised payments across countries in the African Continent. As PlutusDefi plans to accept Mobile Money Credit via Mobile Money Business Accounts with providers such as M-Pesa, Vodacom, Lipisha; we solve the issue of political risks such as inflation while allowing mobile money to enter DeFi.

We do this by converting local currencies with FX providers, sending to local crypto exchanges and then hedging into a USD denominated stable-coin which is internal to PlutusDefi; backed and cleared with a money-service business or banking provider. As the fiat currencies are held in fiat vaults, the internal PlutusDeFi USD stable coin proxy is then converted to DAI or similar stable-coin assets and then deposited to lending protocols like Compound, DyDx, Aave and Curve.Fi.

Telco to DeFi Bridges — enabling the next generation of seamless financial transactions.

This interest accrued is then reverted back to the same channels, and to the users mobile via mobile money credits.

One of the biggest challenges faced by DeFi lending platforms has been competition by banks across MENA regions over interest rates. Retail users in these countries can regularly get 8–12% APR from banks, yet come with the downsides of long vesting periods.

However, there are real economic risks which we can solve, if we use Iranian rial or Venezuelan bolivar as an example, whereby currency depreciation has severely damaged the value of the currency internationally. Governments across these regions regularly practise quantitative easing or are impacted by huge debts owed to world monetary organisations. Sending mobile money credits to be hedged USD is a breakthrough and a defence against the destruction of wealth by this form of practise by governments and monetary authorities.

In the near future, we hope to collaborate and work with the Cardano & IOHK, as their work and network in African countries is vital to the development of blockchain and financial applications in this region. We are awaiting their deployment of smart contracts publicly before exploring potential bridges with DeFi.

GBP Fiat to Crypto Savings Bridge

For users outside of Africa, we will be developing DeFi lending bridges with GBP payments through local UK exchange provider deploying our lending SDK.

PlutusDeFi on Mobile

Keeping your transactions private and your identity shrouded in modern times is a huge priority of ours. That’s why we are building the first DeFi multi-tool native app, integrating the latest privacy technologies such as VPN, ETH mixing, DeFi lending/borrow functions and 1-tap aggregated dex orders, over the next year.

Existing popular mobile wallets (especially those on iOS) are surrendering all of your privacy data to multi-nationals without your permission. It is simply not possible to have a privacy focused-bullet proof crypto wallet on iOS.

This is where we step in, with the PlutusDeFi privacy wallet; an Android based APK native app.

As with keeping our token central to our philosophy and design, users will need a minimal amount of PLT tokens to access the features on the app, thereby encouraging staking into the network and reducing the circulating supply of PLT tokens.

Some of the features for our users will include:

  • DeFi Lending Balance Tracking
  • Manage multiple wallets, assets & protocols
  • Instant Buy/Sell/Swap via aggregated dex orders
  • APR interest display and quick switching between protocols
  • Multi-factor authentication
  • Randomized Pin Entry Pad
  • One-Tap Ethereum Mixing with Tornado Cash Api + Plutus ETH Bl3nd3r
  • Mobile Money Credit integration/quick sending via QR code (MENA Region)
  • Support for VM-Mobile Instances via Multi-Memu Emulator on Desktop for rapid deployment and shutdown.

We know that our plans at are vast and wide, however, we are determined to make sure that the next era of Financial Transactions breaks through the chains of economic repression and economic interference with a holistic ecosystem that carries the next generation to a new way of financially connecting with each other.

Feel free to reach out to us on





