Gigabit fibre broadband for Plymouth — Plym News

Stephen Jarman
Plym News
Published in
Jan 29, 2021

A £52 million investment from national fibre infrastructure group City Fibre means more businesses and homes in Plymouth could see full fibre-to-the-premises internet access in the coming years.

Work has started in the Estover area, but City Fibre hope to expand their network to cover “almost every home and business locally” over the next 3–4 years.

City Fibre predicts this work will provide a huge boon to the local economy, enabling more businesses to succeed online. It also hopes to add value to homes across the city, with faster and more reliable internet connections allowing better working from home and hiccough-free entertainment.

More can be read about the Plymouth expansion on CityFibre’s website.

Residents interested in the new network are encouraged to register their interest to receive updates on the project.

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Stephen Jarman
Plym News

Keen sailing, amateur photographing, engineering, web designing kind of guy.