Go to PM Genome Project
PM Genome Project
The PM Genome Project is a collaborative research effort serving as a center of excellence created by product managers, for product managers with a focus on mapping the product manager career journey (aka “PM Genome”).
Note from the editor

The PM Genome Project is a center of excellence by product managers, for product managers focused on mapping and cultivating the product manager journey.

Go to the profile of Joseph Aamidor
Joseph Aamidor
Product management professional in the built environment (e.g., smart buildings and cleantech). Product/market strategy consultant to vendors & building owners.
Go to the profile of Ryan Troll
Ryan Troll
Partner @ NFSV. Cofounder @ ProductMaven. Co-creator PM Genome Project. Creator Startuppity. Startup Mentor. Father. Friend. Triathlete.
Go to the profile of Torben Spitzer