Change Management: The ADKAR Model Explained

The Proven Model driving success in Fortune500 companies

Seema Ahmed


Photo by Ross Findon on Unsplash

We are in times of rapid change.

Organizations, to provide their customers with the most robust solutions, need to be constantly adapting to new changes.

But, why do some changes fail while others succeed?

According to a featured insight from Change Experts in McKinsey, 70% of the Change Programs fail due to employee resistance and lack of management support.

Employees are resistant — Why??

Studies show that 1 in 3 people don’t handle change well.

And, humans are wired to be tied to familiarity as change can be daunting and thereby, triggers resistance.

So, addressing the human aspect of change is critical, which is the premise of Change Management.

Photo by Devin Avery on Unsplash

Launching a Change in an organization

Rolling out a process document or a training session on an upcoming change is insufficient to launch the change.



Seema Ahmed
Writer for

Championing the cause of positivity by weaving words to bring joy & happiness. I have a passion to Uplift, Encourage and Inspire fellow Homosapiens.