How to Achieve Customer-Oriented Success: Unleash with Value Streams

Unlock the Future of Business and Outpace the Competition by Aligning Your Organization with Customer-Driven Products

Dionysis Svoronos


Photo by Tim Douglas

In today’s fast-paced business environment, organizations are constantly grappling with the challenge of staying ahead of the curve.

Traditionally, companies have adopted one of two strategies to achieve this: Operational Excellence or Performance Superiority. While these approaches have their merits, they often fall short in one critical area — customer orientation.

This article introduces a third approach, Customer-Driven Products, and explains how organizing your company around value streams can help you achieve customer excellence.

The Strategic Approaches

Operational Excellence

Operational Excellence is an approach that aims to optimize internal processes to deliver products or services at the lowest cost and highest efficiency. The focus is on streamlining operations, reducing overhead, and maximizing throughput. This strategy often employs a hierarchical structure where decisions are made at the top and executed down the chain of command.



Dionysis Svoronos
Writer for

Leadership TopWriter | Agile & Value Stream Expert | Digital Transformation Project Manager