📩 Identity, Career and Toxic Positivity

Thaisa Fernandes
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Mar 6, 2024

Simone Lima, a Brazilian podcast creator and problem solver, shared her diverse career journey and discussed her research on toxic positivity in the workplace during an episode of the Latinx in Power podcast.

Influenced by Latin American culture’s openness about feelings, Simone emphasized the need for discussing emotions openly at work.

Toxic positivity, as defined by Simone, involves suppressing emotions in the workplace, leading to detrimental effects on employee well-being, such as burnout and turnover.

The episode explored the intersection of toxic positivity with mental health and burnout, stressing the importance of addressing emotions within work hours to prevent long-term consequences. Simone discussed the role of Employee Support Groups (ESGs) in creating emotionally supportive work environments.

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Identity, Career and Toxic Positivity

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Thaisa Fernandes

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Thaisa Fernandes
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