Navigating Life’s Decisions: The Hats, Haircuts and Tattoos Framework

Thaisa Fernandes
Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2024

I love to read and I love James Clear’s writing. His newsletter is fantastic! In a recent publication, James Clear shared a framework for approaching decision-making.

Clear’s framework categorizes decisions into three distinct types: hats, haircuts, and tattoos. I never heard about this framework before, I love how it can simplify and enhance our approach to decision-making.

Hats: Embracing Temporary Choices

The majority of decisions we make in life fall under the category of hats. These decisions are characterized by their temporary nature and easy reversibility.

Choosing a hat may not have significant consequences, allowing for swift experimentation and exploration.

It’s about adopting a mindset of agility and quick decision-making, enabling us to explore various options without the fear of enduring lasting repercussions.

The key is to embrace the freedom to try new things and pivot when necessary. Whether it’s trying out a new hobby, experimenting with a different hairstyle, or exploring a new career path, hats offer us the opportunity to test the waters and adapt as we go.

Haircuts: Navigating the Middle Ground

The metaphor of haircuts represents decisions that lie somewhere in the middle of the spectrum. While not as easily reversible as hats, they still offer some degree of flexibility.

If a decision turns out to be regrettable, it may be possible to rectify it, it might need some effort and discomfort.

Choosing a haircut requires a willingness to take calculated risks and embrace the possibility of short-term setbacks.

The key is to recognize that growth often involves stepping out of our comfort zones and being open to the lessons learned from our experiences, even if they involve temporary discomfort.

Tattoos: Confronting Irreversible Choices

At the other end of the spectrum lie decisions akin to tattoos — choices with irreversible consequences. These decisions carry a significant weight, as they leave a lasting mark that may endure for years to come.

Whether it’s committing to a serious relationship, making a career-defining move, or embarking on a life-altering journey, tattoos represent choices that demand careful consideration.

Approaching irreversible decisions with caution is paramount. It’s about taking the time to weigh the pros and cons, seeking advice from trusted sources, and reflecting on the long-term implications of our choices.

The key is to acknowledge and embrace the permanence of our decisions, although tattoos can be beautiful expressions of identity and purpose.

Embracing Clarity in Decision-Making

By categorizing decisions based on their degree of reversibility and permanence, this framework empowers us to approach choices with greater clarity and intentionality.

Whether we’re donning hats, contemplating haircuts, or considering tattoos, each decision we make shapes our journey and contributes to our growth.

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Thaisa Fernandes
Editor for

Program Management & Product Management | Podcast Host | Co-Author | PSPO, PMP, PSM Certified 🌈🌱