📩 Organizational Theory: Understanding How Organizations Function and Evolve

Thaisa Fernandes
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2 min readMar 18, 2024

Organizational theory is a crucial aspect of studying how individuals behave in social units, known as organizations. It includes a set of concepts and constructs that explain why certain phenomena occur. Theories of organizations have evolved over time, becoming more diverse as organizations continue to grow in size and complexity.

Early theories of organizations were mainly rational, emphasizing efficiency, and including scientific management and bureaucracy theories. Contingency theory emerged later, recognizing the need for organizations to adapt to varying internal and external constraints to maximize performance. The rise of large organizations and structure came in response to a changing economic and social landscape, where self-sufficiency became an economically poor choice due to more efficient transportation and the development of technology.

Max Weber’s theory of bureaucracy is a seminal work in sociology, describing the key features of a bureaucratic organization, such as positions earned through merit, decision-making governed by rules, professionalism, a chain of command, position-defined responsibility, and bounded authority. However, there are criticisms of this view, such as its impersonal nature neglecting human needs and overlooking the possibility of human error.

Contingency theory suggests that adapting organizational design, leadership, and decision-making can enhance performance, but critics are concerned that it oversimplifies solutions to problems by relying too heavily on changing leadership.

Understanding organizational theory is essential for those who want to lead and manage organizations. By studying the concepts and constructs that underpin organizational behavior, insights can be gained into how to optimize performance, foster innovation, and promote positive outcomes for all stakeholders. As organizations continue to evolve, new theories will emerge, but the principles of effective organizational management and leadership will remain timeless.

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Organizational Theory: Understanding How Organizations Function and Evolve

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Thaisa Fernandes

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Thaisa Fernandes
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