📩 Rethinking Success: Why Empathy Beats the Alpha Attitude

Thaisa Fernandes
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1 min readMay 27, 2024

Imagine yourself in a corporate meeting, where the alpha leader strides in with confidence and commands the room. At first glance, you might admire their decisiveness and ability to take charge.

However, after the interaction, you’re left feeling uneasy, questioning whether this traditional “alpha” approach truly embodies effective leadership.

Dionysis Svoronos wrote about how historically, alpha leaders like Steve Jobs and Jack Welch have been celebrated for driving corporate success with dominance and decisiveness.

However, American pop culture’s emphasis on alpha traits has shaped global corporate expectations, often imposing a model misaligned with modern workplace values.

Today’s workplaces prioritize collaboration, inclusivity, and emotional intelligence, making traditional alpha characteristics increasingly problematic.

Alpha leaders often exhibit narcissistic traits, such as inflated self-importance and lack of empathy, which can harm workplace dynamics. While their confidence can drive short-term success, these traits often undermine long-term stability and morale.

Read the Entire Article:

Rethinking Success: Why Empathy Beats the Alpha Attitude

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Thaisa Fernandes

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Thaisa Fernandes
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