Say What You Mean: How to Be Assertive and Get What You Want

Have you ever found yourself in a meeting, gripped by the uncertainty of whether to speak up or stay silent?

Dionysis Svoronos


Picture this scenario: you’re at the table, an idea or concern burning inside you, but the fear of overstepping or causing conflict battles with your desire to assert your perspective. This internal tug-of-war isn’t just uncomfortable; it’s a common dilemma faced by many who struggle to find the right balance between passivity and aggression in their communications.

Navigating this middle path — assertiveness — can sometimes feel like walking a tightrope. Too far one way, you’re invisible, your needs and ideas lost in the shadows. Lean too much the other way, and you risk becoming the aggressor, where your voice drowns out others, potentially creating friction and resistance. Understanding and mastering the art of assertiveness can transform these challenging moments, allowing you to express your thoughts confidently and respectfully, ensuring you are heard without stepping on toes.

Assertiveness is a communication style that allows individuals to express their thoughts, feelings, and needs directly, honestly, and respectfully. No polarities allowed: You can both express your needs and stay respectful.



Dionysis Svoronos
Writer for

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