📩 Solving Growth Problems — A Case Study

Thaisa Fernandes
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1 min readMar 1, 2024

Bindhu Balu wrote a case study about solving growth problems. Natura, a beauty marketplace, has faced a growth plateau in the last six months despite raising over $2 million in funding.

The CEO, Priya, and analyst, Deepak, share the company’s journey, starting from the founder’s personal struggle to find natural beauty products. The initial success led to rapid growth, but the momentum stalled recently, causing concern among investors.

As the interim Chief Product Officer, the task is to define a product growth roadmap within a tight timeframe of one month. The company has a runway of six months and is at risk of shutting down if a viable plan for growth is not identified.

The CEO and analyst seek assistance in analyzing the available data and devising strategies to regain momentum and instill confidence in potential investors. The ultimate goal is to present a compelling plan for growth to secure the follow-up round of funding and avoid the company’s closure.

Read the Entire Article:

Solving Growth Problems — A Case Study

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Thaisa Fernandes

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Thaisa Fernandes
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