📩 The MVP for Most Aspiring PMs

Thaisa Fernandes
Published in
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Mar 4, 2021

This article provides tips for people who are planning to transition their career to product or program management. It emphasizes that one does not need to have a specific background or education in order to be qualified for a PM job, and that the skills needed can vary depending on the product, company size, location, and industry.

It also lists some skills that are important to have or build as a PM, such as communication, leadership, technical skills, marketing, UX research, design, problem-solving, project management, data analysis, planning, and finance.

The article also encourages people to be open-minded, volunteer for PM-related work, and work on personal projects in order to develop these skills.

Minimum Requirement Knowledge for Product Managers

See you soon.
Thaisa Fernandes

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Thaisa Fernandes
Editor for

Program Management & Product Management | Podcast Host | Co-Author | PSPO, PMP, PSM Certified 🌈🌱