📩 What’s an API?

Thaisa Fernandes
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1 min readSep 2, 2021

An API (Application Programming Interface) is a software that allows two applications to communicate with each other. It acts as an intermediary between the two applications, and is considered more of a product than a code.

APIs have been in use since the 1940s, and have evolved over time to become more standardized and secure. They are also used to provide a program interface with a certain set of services to many different applications.

API stands for Application Programming Interface, which is the interface that defines interactions between multiple software applications.

Examples of APIs include Google Flights, which accesses the APIs of airlines to search for available flights and pricing. APIs can also be categorized into different types, such as Web API, Open API, Internal API, Partner API, and Composite API. The design and documentation of an API is crucial for its usage and maintenance.

Let’s Talk About APIs

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Thaisa Fernandes

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Thaisa Fernandes
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Program Management & Product Management | Podcast Host | Co-Author | PSPO, PMP, PSM Certified 🌈🌱