Snapchat Ads Mastery: Best Practices for DTC Brands

Amin Robinson
PMC Growth Magazine
4 min readNov 18, 2023

Direct-to-consumer (DTC) brands face a unique set of challenges and opportunities when advertising on social platforms. Snapchat, with its engaged user base and immersive ad formats, offers a fertile ground for DTC brands looking to connect with their audience. In this post, we’ll explore the best practices that can help these brands craft compelling Snapchat ads that resonate with users and drive conversions.

Understanding Snapchat’s User Demographics

Snapchat’s user base skews young, with nearly 70% of its daily active users being under 30 years old. The majority are in their teens, college years, and mid-20s. This makes Snapchat an ideal platform for DTC brands targeting younger consumers who value visual communication and ephemeral content.

DTC brands should craft ads that appeal to Snapchatters’ interests — things like music, pop culture, social causes, and comedy. Avoid being too salesy or corporate. The tone should be casual, upbeat, and youthful. Use the same natural language and slang that Snapchatters use when communicating with friends.

Here are some examples of DTC brands tailoring their ads for Snapchat’s demographics:

- Glossier promotes its makeup and skincare products using fresh-faced models in authentic situations.

- Quip sells its millennial-friendly electric toothbrushes with humorous ads focused on the daily struggles of adulting.

- Casper highlights its mattresses’ sleep benefits with dreamy visuals and relaxing music.

Crafting Compelling Ad Creatives

Snapchat gives you multiple ad formats to get creative with, like Snap Ads, Lenses, Filters, and Commercials. DTC brands should take advantage of these immersive options to showcase their personality and products.

Some best practices for crafting compelling Snapchat ad creatives:

- Use eye-catching visuals — dynamic video, bright colors, stylized graphics.

- Show the product in action through demos and user-generated content.

- Leverage Snapchat’s AR capabilities to let users virtually try or interact with products.

- Write catchy, conversational copy that’s native to the platform.

- Mix up your content to keep it fresh and relevant to viewers.

DTC brands should also split-test their creatives to see what resonates best. Track engagement metrics like shares, swipes and playtime to identify the highest-performing ads.

Leveraging Storytelling in Your Ads

Storytelling is key to connecting with Snapchat’s younger users in an authentic way. DTC brands should incorporate narrative elements into their ads instead of just product features or specs.

Some storytelling best practices on Snapchat include:

- Spotlight interesting users of your product, not just the product itself.

- Use a recurring character or storyline across multiple ads.

- Showcase “a day in the life” using your product.

- Tell a humorous story highlighting your brand’s personality.

- Educate and entertain with fun facts or your brand’s origin story.

The storytelling should feel natural, not forced. Find creative ways to weave in your brand organically. User-generated content like Snaps and testimonials can add authenticity.

Optimizing Calls-to-Action for Higher Engagement

Clear calls-to-action (CTAs) are crucial for guiding Snapchatters to take their desired action. DTC brands should A/B test CTAs to see which drives the most swipes, site traffic, signups, or purchases.

Some tips for optimizing CTAs:

- Place CTAs prominently within the first 2 seconds of an ad.

- Use action-driven language like “Shop Now” or “Get Yours.”

- Make CTAs clickable or swipeable to ease user action.

- Match CTAs to your campaign goal — signups, sales, etc.

- Leverage Snapchat’s shoppable ads and attachments.

DTC brands should also retarget users who engaged with ads but didn’t convert, enticing them to complete the purchase.

Making the Most of Snap’s Vertical Video Format

Snapchat’s vertical video orientation is ideal for mobile. DTC brands should design creatives specifically for the vertical format versus just repurposing horizontal ads.

Tips for creating vertical video ads:

- Film video in portrait mode to fill the entire screen.

- Add text overlays, graphics, and other visuals on the top and bottom of the frame.

- Animate/transition elements from the top down or bottom up.

- Use the extra height to showcase products in action.

- Position the most important info and CTAs near the bottom where they’re most visible.

The video content itself should also be short and engaging for the Snapchat audience. Split test 15-second and 6-second videos to see which holds the viewer’s attention best.

Using Lenses and Filters to Boost Brand Interaction

Snapchat’s AR Lenses and branded Filters present fun opportunities for DTC brands. These interactive ad units let users engage playfully with products and experiences.

Ways DTC brands can use Lenses/Filters:

- Virtual try-on of makeup, accessories, glasses, etc.

- Product demos and simulations.

- Branded photo/video overlays.

- Fun takes on your brand mascot or logo.

- User-generated content campaigns.

- AR retail experiences.

Encourage sharing by making Lenses and Filters social and fun. Gamify the experience or add quirky effects based on your brand.

Measuring Ad Performance and Iterating on Success

Analyzing campaign metrics is key for optimizing Snapchat ads. DTC brands should closely monitor actions like swipe-ups, shares, site visits, and purchases to gauge engagement.

Ways to measure and refine Snapchat campaigns:

- A/B test ad creatives and copy.

- Try different CTAs and track conversions.

- Test audience targeting to find your best buyers.

- Watch for trends and iterate on what works.

- Benchmark metrics daily, weekly, and monthly.

Optimizing based on performance data will help DTC brands improve Snapchat’s strategy over time. It pays to invest in learning on this platform.

Avoiding Common Pitfalls in Snapchat Advertising

Some rookie mistakes to sidestep when advertising on Snapchat:

- Avoid long copy — keep messaging concise.

- Don’t just repurpose ads from other platforms.

- Steer clear of overly promotional or corporate-sounding ads.

- Don’t overload creatives with too many graphics/animations.

- Prevent blatant selling — subtly weave in your CTA.

DTC brands should let their brand personality shine through while speaking Snapchat’s visual language. With compelling, native ads tailored to the platform, Snapchat can become a strategic driver of conversions.

In summary:

- Know Snapchat’s core Gen Z and millennial users.

- Get creative with visuals, AR, and vertical video.

- Use narrative storytelling in ads.

- Test and optimize CTAs.

- Make video ads specifically for mobile.

- Have fun with Lenses and Filters.

- Analyze and refine ad performance.

- Avoid hard sells and corporate branding.

If you need expert guidance building an advertising campaign on Snapchat- book a strategy call with one of our experts.



Amin Robinson
PMC Growth Magazine

👋 #DTC & #B2BSaaS #growthmarketing expert. Proven track record in paid acquisition & strategic advertising. Let's boost your #ROAS #d2cmarketing