11 Important Soft Skills

2 min readJan 21, 2020
  1. Communicating Skills

Conveying information succintly, simply, repeatedly if needed, and in the most effective medium, getting hold of the audience’s limited attention span by being very relevant.

2. People Skills

Working and getting along with the right people, and ensuring they know our value the (give and take) principle. Making others feel good. Look at things from other’s points of view.

3. Self Management Skills

How we manage ourselves, our attitude, our emotions, our mental and physical health, and skills with managing our time.

4. Boss Management

Making the boss shine and making sure the boss understands your value.

5. Managing Subordinates

Being able to motivate them and smartly matching tasks with people’s interests and abilities.

6. Leadership skills

Knowing the correct destination and convincing others to come along, and often using out-of-the-box thinking and actions.

7. Marketing Skills

Getting our target customers to notice the usefulness/benefits of our product/services.

8. Productivity/Time Management skills

Getting more done, the most important tasks done first, using smart tv to-do lists, cheat, sheets, checklists, shortcuts, delegation etc.

9. Career Management Skills

Being relevant and useful in the marketplace, working hard, regulary updating skills (or finding newer areas to be useful in) and finding a work-life balance.

10. Job searching & Job-interview Skills

Knowing what we want from our career, finding the right places to work, striking a rapport with interviewers, coming off as enthusiastic, interested, and having the right attitude.

11. Creativity & Problem Solving Skills

Thinking outside the box, looking at a problem from multiple angles, and arriving at decisions after considering multiple options.

