Andreas Ruf
PMGT Publication
Published in
Apr 4, 2023

The Perth Mint Gold Token (PMGT) is being discontinued.

As a result, all PMGT holders are required to either trade out of their positions through the PMGT market maker on Australia’s Independent Reserve by June 30, 2023, or by exchanging their tokens for The Perth Mint’s GoldPass Certificates by October 31, 2023. For PMGT holders who wish to exchange for fiat currency, Trovio recommends trading through Independent Reserve.

Please complete this at your earliest convenience. This will ensure that you have access to as many of the withdrawal options as possible.

Further information detailing the PMGT wind-down process and key dates are available at the PMGT website

Token holders who do not have access to an Independent Reserve or GoldPass account are requested to lodge a support ticket at