Guide to Getting Started in Product Management: Beginner Edition

Harsh Patel
PM Hub Blog
Published in
3 min readFeb 25, 2021

We are living in a world full of surprises and unpredictable events. Nonetheless, the role of a Product Manager (PM) remains the most fascinating role within the tech industry. Before diving into what, why, who, and how of product management let me show you my interpretation. Imagine a wheel, where the spokes are all the departments of the company i.e R&D, Marketing, Sales, Operations, etc, and Product Management connects all as one hub. And, the product manager along with the product owner gets the vehicle moving.

Source: Take Charge Product Management© by Greg Geracie. All rights reserved.

I have divided my journey into different phases so that it’s easier to understand and follow. It is important to realize that interests and the approach vary from person to person so feel free to modify the phases below.

Phase I: Research and Plan (March 2020 — April 2020)

Rightly said, books are an ocean of knowledge. To learn about the basics of PM I read a couple of books that introduced me to the field of PM. Although I was in Computer Engineering, I always wanted to lead a team, solve problems and look at the bigger picture. It was my curiosity about how systems are designed, implemented, and deployed that led me to Product Management.

Phase II: Network and Learn (April 2020 — May 2020)

Social skills are a very important part of Product Management. Since I value meaningful conversations, I joined a couple of PM clubs and workshops. The knowledge I gained from books helped me participate in the conversations during meetings. Listening to product talks hosted by CPOs, Product Leaders, and Product Managers inspired me to dive right into Product Management.

Phase III: Volunteer and Learn (May 2020 — August 2020)

At this point, I knew the basics of PM and had an idea of how Product Managers built products. But, I was missing out on the practical experience. And hence, I searched for NGOs and Startups that resonated with my interests. I started volunteering at a Tech Startup as a Product Manager. This volunteering experience built the foundation of my vision and career plans in the field of Product Management.

Phase IV: Paid Internship (January 2021 — April 2021)

Like every other student, my main aim was to land an internship in the field I was interested in. After 100+ applications and 10 interviews, I received and accepted an offer as a Product Manager at a Telematics GPS Tracking Company.

I have just begun my journey in Product and I cannot wait to explore this field. It hasn’t been easy but I can say it is worth it to see the ideas and designs come to life. If you were waiting for a sign, this is it. Go ahead, read that book, join some product clubs, volunteer, and hit send on that application.

Feel free to reach out to me with any questions. And if you don’t have any questions, shoot me a message and we can discuss how AI might/might not take over the world. 😉

About the Author

Harsh Patel is currently a BASc of Computer Engineering student at the University of Waterloo. He has two years of development experience and one year of product management experience in various Financial corporations and Startups.

