A Simpler Approach to Product Management Case Interviews

Ajitesh Abhishek
Agile Insider
Published in
7 min readJan 13, 2020


Source — University of Virginia

After a setback six months ago during internship recruitment, I successfully recruited for a Google PM role this year. One of the critical aspects of the interviewing process at Google is product case interviews.

Personally, I’m not a big fan of the case interview frameworks. In the real interview, sticking to these frameworks when bombarded with pointed cross-questions seems forced and robotic. Instead, over time, I have come to rely more on design thinking frameworks and real-life problem-solving skills to approach casing. I am writing this to share my somewhat different approach to PM case interviews.

I will share five learnings that helped me improve my casing skills:

1. Solve like a real-life problem.

Setting a clear goal for the product and the timeline at the start is critical. Any change in goal or timeline could have a huge impact on the kind of customer segment, problem and solution we come up with in later stages.

  • Goal: Some examples of goals include gain market share, increase engagement, increase repeat customers, increase referrals, etc. It is…

