The Role of Decision Making In The Product Development Journey

Christina Gkofa
Agile Insider
Published in
6 min readApr 16, 2019


If you’re a Product Manager or somehow involved with Product teams, you are well aware of how crucial the importance of making decisions is throughout the entire product development journey. This can span from which project/feature you will put focus on in the next quarter, which design will be tested first, what are the core features that will be part of the MVP etc.

67.1% of the decision makers hold a product role, and 82.6% of decisions that take place at least once per month are of product nature.

With decision making sitting in the front row in your daily routine, it is essential that you obtain the ability to make well-informed decisions at an acceptable speed.

Sometimes this is not as easy as it sounds. There are multiple factors that can potentially get in your way such as top-down company cultures, biases towards past experiments that derived in positive outcomes, not enough qualitative data, etc. What matters the most is to increase awareness and learn how to overcome those barriers.

In a recent survey conducted by Alpha, over 300 decision makers at startups and large companies revealed modern challenges as well as best practices on how decision making is approached.



Christina Gkofa
Agile Insider

Product addict in the tech industry since 2014 (OLX, Metro Markets, StepStone, trivago). Respect great UX and retention. Cuisine and wine explorer, pug lover