The 3 Questions Leaders Need to Ask to Thrive in The Digital Age

Srikar Doddi
Agile Insider
Published in
3 min readJun 25, 2018
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Roselinde Torres leads Boston Consulting Group’s CEO advisory practice in North America. She’s advised more than 200 CEOs across the industry. In Roselinde’s TED talk, “What it takes to be a great leader,” she shares three crucial, but straightforward questions leaders need to ask to thrive in the future.

1. Where are you looking to anticipate change?

Leaders can see around corners. A great example is Reed Hastings who was able to surround himself with people who were able to anticipate live streaming as the next big thing for their business. Instead of doubling down on their DVD business, Reed made a big bold bet on Live Streaming. He made a similar bet on original content. Here are some questions for thought starters- Who are you spending time with?, What are you reading?, Where are you traveling?

2. What is the diversity measure of your network?

Leaders can connect and help you achieve a shared goal. In the digital age, ideas tend to come from anywhere, and the most successful ideas come from connecting diverse networks of people from various disciplines. So, do you have the capacity to develop relationships with people who are very different from yourself? Do you network with people at the intersections of multiple disciplines? Can you ask profound, thoughtful questions to promote innovative solutions to old & new problems?

3. Are you courageous enough to abandon the past that made you successful?

Leaders are not afraid to fail. Great leaders dare to be different. They don’t just talk about taking a risk, they take the risk and have the emotional stamina to withstand the naysayers. Satya Nadella famously said his industry respects innovation, not tradition. He followed these words with actions when he moved Microsoft away from Windows. Microsoft was able to successfully avoid disruption by abandoning the past that made it successful.

Watch Roselinde’s TED talk in full here:

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