How — , What even — ? Oh Come On!: Second Progress of QA Class Project

Alya Putri
PMPL 2019 — Alya Putri
2 min readNov 16, 2019

Why hello, and welcome back to my journey with Kape. For today, I’ll be telling the story of my experience doing the second assignment.

This second assignment is pretty much the same as the first one. Create a new user story, which will then be implemented using appropriate software quality assurance techniques. As my first user story is basically done, I decided to fix the menu bar for this second assignment. But what exactly am I fixing?

The Issue

Look at the screen below:

Kape Homepage

Say I want to open the notification page. When I open it, the active tab on the menu bar changes to “Notifikasi”. But when I reload the page, the active tab moves back to “Beranda”, even though I’m still on the notification page.

This is what I hope to fix in the second assignment. Hopefully, the menu bar would still retain the appropriate active tab even after the page is reloaded.

The Work

Remember last time when I hoped the next progress will be much easier? Apparently I was off mark, big time. But, I also learned a lot.

First hurdle. With all the assignments and projects from all of my courses, I find it very challenging to find the time to learn more about Node and React. Because of this, my knowledge in those two languages are still minimal at best.

Second, finding a way to keep the active state of the menu bar was trickier than I expected, especially with the fact that React is stateless. When I searched through the internet on how to implement it, people kept saying to use Redux so that the value can be stored. At this point, I felt like I messed up. Minimal knowledge in Node and React, AND I have to implement Redux? It was frightening, to say the least.

Thankfully, after a lot of crying and racking through my brain for implementation ideas, I finally figured out a way by using the local storage that is already implemented for login usage. Even with this, I still wrestled with a lot of confusions and frustrations.

When the feature finally worked and passed the tests that I’ve made previously, oh how I jumped for joy. The feeling when you accomplish something that you thought is impossible, nothing is better than that.

So, That’s it for now. See you on the next assignment story, and hopefully it’ll be the easiest of them all!

