Full speed ahead: we are so close to the Finale!

Mika Gu
2 min readJul 22, 2018

This week we decided to play around with the format of our blog a bit and try a photo blog post — we want to show you what we are doing instead of telling you! :) (A picture is worth a thousands words!)

With the end in sight, our team has separated into four separate lanes,going full speed ahead.

So what does a typical workday look like for our team?

We would start each day with a quick standup meeting.
Everyone was settling down, and our faculty advisor Karen joined our standup meeting.
Everyone went ahead and gave a brief recap of what they did over the past days. We followed the structure of: what I did, what’s the block, what I am going to work on today.
The view of sky is so pretty from our window :)
Rob was sharing the project plan for the next two weeks with team.
After the standup, everyone went back into their own working space.
At any given time from 10–5 on a weekday, you would find Rob owning this corner of lab and working on the prototype of our website.(It’s interactive and awesome!)
Every Tuesday we would have studio class. And sometimes faculty would give us a lecture on something that’s relevant to what most teams are working on.
And this week it’s Karen! Karen was giving a presentation on how to make better presentation :)
And this is how serious we are treating our work!
Everyone is heads down working on their own lane this week, and for me, that’s presentation. Here’s a sneak peek of one slide of our final presentation.
Our team works organically this semester — we are meeting in separate lanes, to maximize the efficiency of the whole team.

And here’s this week’s blog! Hope you are staying cool in this weather.

Team Flux

