We’ve mapped the journey. Now let’s share the journey.

Mika Gu
2 min readApr 25, 2018

Written by: Robert Paul & Mika Xiang Gu — March 21st 2018

The past two week passed in the blink of an eye. We had 3 days of last week to work with, and most of our team headed to the SXSW Design Conference. Still, we were able to get a lot done in that span of time. The four of us who went to SXSW had a chance to listen to some amazing talks given by fantastic people. Feifei Li, Google cloud chief scientist, spoke about AI technology shouldn’t belong to just a few tech giants in Silicon Valley. It was an enlightening talk.

Tomorrow’s AI depends on today’s awakening of our responsibility. — Feifei Li

Over the last weekend, our visual design lead Tab made a beautiful high-fidelity graphic for the journey map we developed from our guerrilla research interviews of the procure-to-pay process. It’s a beast of a document, but contains many layers of the insights we were able to synthesize from our research.

As a team, we helped to contribute edits and additions to the final version of the journey map (especially given Tab had the difficult task of interpreting our messy handwriting on 2 inch post it notes).

Now that our team has made significant strides in our research of the procure-to-pay process we wanted to share our findings to our clients at PNC. We began working on a presentation deck since last week, and in order to better improve our presentation, we did a mock run of the presentation on last Monday with a fellow MHCI capstone team and our faculty advisor Karen Berntsen.

Some of the feedback we received were:

  • Reduce the amount of text on screen
  • Better chunk the information from the journey map since it’s so large
  • Explain what a journey map and a heuristic evaluation are. Don’t assume the audience knows what those terms mean.

We finished our work for this two week by refining and iterating our presentation slides. We are going to practice another run through on Monday morning, before another mock run of our presentation with our faculty advisor, Karen Berntsen on later Monday.

Stay tuned! Updates from our mid-term update with clients to come.

- Team Flux

