Hey there, Our Blog’s Got a New Home!

pNetwork Team
Published in
1 min readSep 20, 2023

What’s up, everyone? Just popping in to say that our blog has a new home at Mirror.xyz!

Community-Driven Organizations 💡

The pNetwork development is coordinated entirely by the pNetwork DAO and by the pNetwork Community Association.
The shift to Mirror.xyz better reflects pNetwork’s new community-driven approach and inclusiveness.

Why Mirror.xyz? Simple: Decentralization ✨

We’re all about decentralization at pNetwork, and now our blog is too. Mirror.xyz aligns with our core values, so it’s a perfect match.

Plus, its web3 focus aligns perfectly with what we’re all about here at pNetwork.

Fresh Reads Already Up 📚

We’ve hit the ground running — a bunch of articles are already live. Trust us, you don’t want to miss out on this content

Stay Tuned! 📻

For the latest pNetwork updates, head to our new Mirror page. See you there!

Catch you on Mirror!

