Ready for take-off; Introducing the new pTokens Website and Logo

pNetwork Team
Published in
4 min readDec 3, 2019

Provable Things was born in 2015. Four years and thousands of lines of code later, we can now proudly say we offer the longest-running blockchain oracle service industry-wide.

Yet our aim has always been to enable the shift of traditional services into the decentralized economy. We want to emulate the experiences and raw potential we’ve created with Provable’s oracle service again and again. We can readapt our Trusted Computing and decentralized technologies to bring even more value to the DeFi ecosystem, expanding our offerings beyond servicing modern DApps alone.

pTokens, our latest project, is one of these new breakthrough experiences.

And as we expand our portfolio of products and services, we feel it’s important that each project has its own distinct identity, voice and mission for each of their communities to connect with.

pTokens new online home

Our new website is now live! Here you can find everything you need to know about pTokens, which assets will be next to launch in our series, our upcoming integrations and the stats on our network and supply. Check it out and let us know what you think in our Telegram or Twitter. Or, even better, sign up to our new newsletter and never miss an update on where pTokens can take you next.

Read how pTokens work in our introductory guide.

Introducing the new pTokens logo

Our new logo is characterised by the parrot. As a universally recognisable bird, we’ve chosen this distinctive animal to represent pTokens as they migrate throughout every blockchain.

Why parrots?

The parrot species consists of more than 350 birds. This family comes in all kinds of variations, commonly known for their wonderfully diverse, bright colours.

As a brand, we want to represent a new era for the financial industry, moving away from the dull, unadventurous uniform which so many traditional institutions cling to.

The time to revolutionise the finance sector is long overdue. To relaunch finance into the modern era, FinTech and DeFi companies are revitalising their image, helping to modernise this industry through strong visual identity.

The logo itself is the head of the parrot. The subtle variations of red are like different blockchains; though tied together by a common technological thread, they vary on an infrastructural level.

The eye of the parrot can be considered the pToken at the heart of these various blockchains. This eye can see into their core, with technological foresight and understanding of their inner mechanics. pTokens link different blockchains together in this way. And just as parrots do not make their home in one particular tree or forest, pTokens also flow and migrate freely.

The parrot is also well known for mimicking what people say; they learn to vocalise by listening carefully and then repeating. Similarly, pTokens do this by replicating assets across different chains.

And, of course, the word parrot begins with the letter “p”, completing the symbolism of these parrot tokens. This also links perfectly to pToken’s other properties — provable, portable, pegged.

Listen and learn

If you want to discover why we got started on this journey in the first place, listen to our founder Thomas Bertani in the Crypto101 podcast episode “DeFi, Oracles, and the New Cross-Chain pTokens.”

“The need for a new term ‘DeFi’ represents something new. It represents radical change. Finance is a sector that has been around for centuries… We wouldn’t need decentralised technologies if there wasn’t a problem with traditional finance. It’s not like we’re inventing the wheel because it’s fun — it’s because there are some real problems, such as the lack of transparency and over-regulation,” explains Thomas in this episode.

“DeFi is trying to reject all the assumptions that finance is working as intended, to reinvent the foundations.”

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