Maximize DeFi Incentives with pNetwork Liquidity Pools

pNetwork Team
Published in
4 min readMar 2, 2021
Maximize DeFi Incentives with pNetwork Liquidity Pools

In line with our mission to increase the liquidity of pTokens and enable the pNetwork ecosystem to grow, there are multiple liquidity mining initiatives active at any given moment.

pNetwork users can join yield farming options on several platforms:

  2. Curve
  3. DeFiBox

In this post, we will be providing an overview of the liquidity mining initiatives currently available on these platforms. is a yield farming platform launched in summer 2020 shortly after the introduction of the pNetwork DAO.

The goal of introducing such a platform was very simple — by providing liquidity to any of the available pools, pNetwork users are able to earn rewards in PNT. Earning potential increases based on the amount of liquidity added and for how long — the more attributed and for longer, the greater the share of the PNT pool received.

Currently, there are four liquidity pools available on with eight points of access:

  1. Incentivized PNT/ETH UniSwap pool — stake PNT & ETH, earn PNT
  2. Incentivized PNT/ETH UniSwap pool — stake UNI-V2, earn PNT
  3. Incentivized pLTC/ETH UniSwap pool — stake pLTC & ETH, earn PNT
  4. Incentivized pLTC/ETH UniSwap pool — stake UNI-V2, earn PNT
  5. Incentivized pBTC/ETH UniSwap pool — stake pBTC & ETH, earn PNT
  6. Incentivized pBTC/ETH UniSwap pool — stake UNI-V2, earn PNT
  7. Incentivized pBTC/sBTC Curve pool — stake pBTC, earn PNT + CRV
  8. Incentivized pBTC/sBTC Curve pool — stake pBTC/sbtcCRV, earn PNT + CRV — liquidity pools 1
Source:, 02/03/2021 — liquidity pools 2
Source:, 02/03/2021

pNetwork users who wish to add liquidity pools via can do so from the pNetwork reference wallet — Eidoo — as well. The liquidity pools accessible from the Eidoo app are as follows:

  • pLTC/ETH (Incentivized pLTC/ETH UniSwap pool)
Eidoo wallet — Stake pLTC/ETH & Earn
Source: Eidoo Wallet App, 03/02/2021
  • PNT/ETH (Incentivized PNT/ETH UniSwap pool)
Eidoo Wallet — Stake PNT/ETH & Earn
Source: Eidoo Wallet App, 03/02/2021
  • pBTC/ETH (Incentivized pBTC/ETH UniSwap pool)
Eidoo Wallet — Stake pBTC/ETH & Earn
Source: Eidoo Wallet App, 03/02/2021
  • pBTC on Curve (Incentivized pBTC/sBTC Curve pool)
Eidoo Wallet — Stake pBTC & Earn PNT+CRV
Source: Eidoo Wallet App, 03/02/2021

Curve is an on-chain liquidity protocol for exchanging stable assets (like DAI and USDC).

After Curve’s signaling proposal being approved in November 2020, a new pBTC/sbtcCrv metapool — pBTC/[sBTC/renBTC/WBTC] — has been activated the following month.

Source:, 01/18/2021

The goal was to onboard new Bitcoin liquidity onto Ethereum. With this pBTC Curve metapool Bitcoin holders are facilitated to quickly and frictionlessly move their assets from one chain to the next. — pBTC liquidity pool
Source:, 03/02/2021

This, in turn, provides the opportunity for interacting with Ethereum’s DeFi ecosystem without fees that come with selling digital currencies.


Among many liquidity mining initiatives on DeFiBox, there are six involving pTokens:

  1. EOS + pBTC
  2. USDT + pETH
  3. USDT + pBTC
  4. EOS + PNT
  5. USDT + pLRC
  6. EOS + pETH.
Source:, 03/02/2021

EOS to pBTC is one of the biggest liquidity pools on DeFiBox allowing participants to unlock yield rewards for providing liquidity to the pool.

DeFiBox — EOS to pBTC liquidity pool
Source:, 03/02/2021

Stay tuned for more information on how and where you can earn yield farming rewards.


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💡 For a more technical deep dive into pTokens infrastructure, read our technical paper or check out the summary on our website.

🔗 For any blockchain project looking to integrate pTokens into their infrastructure, we have also built a pTokens JS library.

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