Post-DevCon Download

pNetwork Team
Published in
3 min readOct 24, 2019

Our time in Osaka was brief but memorable. We reconnected with old friends and collaborators, and made some new (non-digital!) connections.

Most importantly for our team, we were able to finally share the latest project we’ve been working on. Our founder Thomas gave a presentation on how to complement DApps with trusted computing, and the challenges of designing “Rock Solid Oracles.” During this speech he revealed pTokens, our new mechanism which aims to bring liquidity and cross-chain composability to DeFi.

Read about pTokens here.

While this was the highlight for us, as always our time at DevCon offered us a unique chance to not only share our ideas, but learn entirely new things altogether.

There were interesting discussions around the various movements tied to blockchain, such as this one by Vlad Zamfir. He gave a history and summary of the cypherpunk movement, its connection to blockchain, and “its roots in the desire to technologically facilitate civil disobedience / opt-out from oppressive legal regimes.”

It was great to see the developments of real-world products built on blockchain, such as gaming, and learn what the benefits of decentralizing them are.

We are constantly amazed and inspired by the energy, creativity and commitment of this community.

Here are some thoughts from our time at DevCon.

DeFi was the buzzword

This year, everyone’s attention was fixed on DeFi. There was a lot of excitement surrounding the projects, products and services making up this niche yet incredibly fast growing area of blockchain. It is seen as the next wave that will push this ecosystem further.

Tools like InstaDapp have demonstrated that with a seamless interface and flawless user experience, you can get developers excited about the future of DeFi. InstaDapp is a great example of how the industry is increasingly setting higher and higher standards.

pTokens are also ‘on trend’

Our blockchain oracle infrastructure helped us place our roots within the Ethereum community years ago. Now we want to start building and contributing solutions which solve some of the industry’s biggest problems.

While there were other initiatives that were similar to pTokens, these used different technological approaches. People were receptive to our new developments and really welcomed our ideas and solutions, with many saying they look forward to trying these out potential integrations. All this feedback has helped us refine our tools and shape our product development.

We’re still in the BUIDL stage

Devcon this year was also focused on building and developing the ecosystem further. While the community acknowledged how far we’ve come since Ethereum’s early days, there is still a long road ahead of us to reach mass adoption or, in Joseph Lubin’s words, “to inspire one Million developers to join and build the Ethereum ecosystem.”

Brewster Kahle, Internet activist and founder of, also shared an insightful perspective on the path we must take to ensure our industry grows. You can find his speech here.

As always, DevCon is a great occasion for the community to meet and for each one of us working in the space to acknowledge what we have accomplished as an industry. Blockchain is attracting the attention of companies big and small around the world. The stage this technology is at today is just the starting point of exponential growth, destined to change the way many industries operate. At Provable, we’re looking forward to that!

