We’re all in for pNetwork

pNetwork Team
Published in
3 min readSep 16, 2020

Today we share news of the official rebranding to pNetwork.

We’ve come a long way since the pTokens project was designed by the main development team behind Provable Things — and it’s time for all of our community channels to reflect that we’re all in for pNetwork.

Provable origin, powerful future

The pTokens project was an initiative by the main development team behind Provable Things. With a background in blockchain, tokenomics, and Trusted Computing, the team set out to develop a cross-chain solution to enable composability for all crypto assets on any blockchain.

In March, pTokens launched to mainnet starting with pBTC on Ethereum. Shortly after, pBTC debuted on EOS. This allowed users to peg in their bitcoin and mint Ethereum or EOS-compatible pBTC and to explore new DApps and DeFi protocols without selling their underlying assets. In August, we launched pLTC on Ethereum and invited Litecoin holders to do the same.

With pTokens we will continue to deliver the frictionless flow of liquidity between blockchains along with improved accessibility to a growing list of DeFi DApps and protocols — but we won’t be satisfied until the system is fully decentralized.

All in for pNetwork

Our ultimate goal is the pNetwork, the heartbeat of cross-chain composability supported by a community government and a secure network of validators.

With a roadmap for progressive decentralization in hand, our team introduced a governance token — pNetwork Token (PNT). We extended utility and cross-chain support to the Eidoo platform and invited the community to stake and earn rewards within the pNetwork DAO while voting on new development initiatives. Finally, to underscore our commitment, we locked the company treasury and team-owned tokens in the DAO.

Our community can continue to expect new pTokenized assets and cross-chain connections, as well as market-driven initiatives like Steroids Yield Farming, but as the ecosystem continues to scale and evolve, we hope to unify its voice under the banner of pNetwork.

Read on to learn about the updates on branding and identity to our community channels.

Branding and Identity


Our team — composed of talented developers, blockchain engineers, and community managers from Provable, pTokens, and Eidoo — can be known as the pNetwork team.


The mainnet project maintained by the pNetwork team and other participants from the ecosystem will be known as pNetwork.


The ecosystem and DAO are identified as the pNetwork ecosystem and the pNetwork DAO.

Official Website

The website for pTokens will remain as a project-oriented destination for those looking to integrate our cross-chain composability solution.

For the bigger picture — including information on the upcoming validator network, the recently launched pNetwork DAO, and our evolving ecosystem — we’ve launched an official site: https://p.Network


We’ll continue to publish product announcements and editorial contributions to Medium, but we’ve retitled the publication from Provable to pNetwork.


Subscribe to the pNetwork newsletter for updates direct to your inbox: https://pnetwork.substack.com/

🦜 Community channels

Ready to join the flock? The following channels are the best places to connect with our community and to keep up with news on the pNetwork ecosystem, including the pNetwork DAO, pTokens, PNT, and Eidoo.


In order to maintain a unified brand, we’ve updated the twitter account handle from @ptokens_io to: @pNetworkDeFi


Subscribe to our official Youtube channel at youtube.com/c/pNetworkDeFi to watch community calls, Q&As with the product team, and a series of panels highlighting integrations and partnerships.


Join the conversation in our official pNetwork Discord server


For community discussion and direct access to the pNetwork team join us in our telegram channel: t.me/pnetworkdefi


Devs and validators are welcome to join us on Gitter at: https://gitter.im/provable/home


For product support or business proposals, please email: hello@p.network

As the pNetwork continues to grow, more community channels and resources will be created over the coming weeks and months. We’ll be sure to update this document as a directory for the community.

