How To Apply For A Mobile Money Agent E-Float Loan

Published in
3 min readNov 19, 2020
Apply for an e-float loan through the Pngme mobile app


In order to be eligible to apply for an agent e-float loan from within the Pngme mobile app you must meet the following criteria:

  1. Be a mobile money agent located in Kenya or Nigeria
  2. Have 3 months of transactions as a mobile money agent and have been active in the past 30 days
  3. Upload 3 months of bank statements as a PDF or image (please request these from your bank)
  4. Upload 3 months of mobile money statements as a PDF or image (please request these from your bank)
  5. Upload a copy of a utility bill: for example electricity

How to apply

Once you complete signup you must complete the following steps in the mobile app in order to have your loan processed:

Complete photo KYC

We support photo IDs in Kenya (Passport, Alien Card, National ID) and Nigeria (BVN, Passport, Driver License, Voter ID, NIMC Slip):

You must complete photo KYC in order to apply for a loan in Kenya and Nigeria.

  1. Access KYC in your main mobile app dashboard
  2. Upload your photo ID (Passport, Alien Card, National ID, BVN or Voter ID)
  3. Take a selfie that is clear and well lit
  4. Connect your social accounts
  5. Submit for KYC review

Access loans from your dashboard

Complete loan application

  1. Marital status
  2. Residence
  3. Utility bills
  4. Citizenship
  5. Next of kin
Personal information

Provide your agent information

  1. Agent service location
  2. Local gov area
  3. Agent start date
  4. E-float capital
  5. Hours
  6. Utility bills
  7. Service fees selected
  8. Net income
Provide agent details

Provide your income information

  1. Monthly net income
  2. Other income
  3. Sources of income
  4. Net income for the last 6 months
Financial information

Provide your bank account information

  1. Bank account name
  2. Account number
  3. Banking length
  4. Bank branch name
  5. Add another account and repeat steps 1–4
Account information

Provide information on existing loans

  1. Loan type
  2. Bank name
  3. Loan outstanding amount
  4. Loan purpose
  5. Add additional loans and repeat steps 1–4
Loan information

Finalize your loan request

  1. Set your requested loan amount
  2. Set your loan duration
Finalize request

Upload documents as PDFs or images to confirm the application is complete

Complete application

Use our document uploader to upload your supporting documents

If you’re having any issues please contact or join our Telegram group here.

