Pngme Mobile App Release Notes: Version 0.9.5 Beta

Published in
4 min readMar 27, 2020

We have been hard at work since our last app update to continue to improve users’ app experience. We’ve been listening to the feedback from agents about how we can improve, and are excited to announce the newest release of our app. Keep in mind that we’re still in testing, so there may be bugs here and there. Thanks to agents who have been helping us test our app over the past few weeks, the bugs we encounter have been far less frequent and minimally burdensome.

Here are the significant updates we’ve made in our newest release:

Users from Nigeria can add and verify their BVN.

Bank Verification Number (BVN) was introduced by the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) to protect customers’ transactions and enhance confidence in the Nigerian banking sector. It involves identifying an individual based on physiological or behavioural attributes, such as fingerprint, or signature. A BVN is unique to each customer and accepted as a means of identification across the Nigerian banking system. Pngme is now able to accept and verify agents’ BVN upon account creation.

Document upload notifications

We’ve made it easier for agents to see the status of the document upload part of the loan application. Agents will see the document upload status directly on their dashboard, receive an in-app notification, and will receive a push notification when their documents have been uploaded and are being reviewed. We think this will make the document uploading piece more understandable for agents.

Need to upload documents

Successfully uploaded documents

Loan approval and terms notifications

We’ve updated the loan approval notifications for agents. The agent will receive a push notification when their loan is approved, and we’ve also created an in-app notification with the loan approval details. We want the loan terms to be transparent and understandable to agents, so the in-app notification will include the loan amount and interest rate. The agent will also receive this information via email, and they’ll receive loan terms and conditions that will include all of the details of the loan. The agent will receive an in-app notification that they’ll receive the loan terms and conditions, and they’ll also see it directly on their Pngme dashboard.

Loan approval

Loan terms and conditions

KYC Notifications

We’ve continued to make updates to the KYC status notifications and now agents will receive an in-app notification when their KYC has been approved. This will help agents know where they are in the process so there’s no confusion.

Loan application saves

One of the things we noticed while agents were filling out the loan application was that some of the agents were having connectivity issues and would lose the information they had just entered into the application, forcing them to start the loan application over from the beginning. Understanding that was a frustrating experience, we made updates so that the loan application now saves while the agent is submitting their information. If an agent has connectivity issues, or just isn’t able to finish the application all at once, their information will be saved and they’ll be able to resume right where they left off.

We will continue to make updates so that agents have the best experience using the Pngme app. Stay tuned for our next release in two weeks!

