Uncertain times. Important choices.

Solvej Lee Ørnstrand
PNO Ventures
Published in
3 min readApr 2, 2020

The world is changing around us. As we deal with the impacts of this global pandemic, each of us is faced with an important choice…

Illustration by Atomic Roderick

In a matter of weeks, life as we know it has been put on pause. Offices, kindergartens, schools, and churches have closed. Theatres, stadiums, pools, and gyms too. Borders are sealed and cities have gone into lockdown.

As the rhythm of our daily life turns upside down and we struggle to deal with the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic, every one of us is faced with a choice.

How will you respond?

Will you react with fear, panic, and anxiety? Or will you respond with love, hope, and compassion? While a reaction is immediate, impulsive and emotional, a response is purposeful, intentional and considered. It’s something you choose.

Everyone reacts, but not everyone responds.

I believe that in times such as these, as we collectively deal with the implications of this pandemic, we must move beyond reactions and respond consciously, with intent instead.

“Choose not to be harmed — and you won’t feel harmed. Don’t feel harmed — and you haven’t been.” — Marcus Aurelius

“When we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” — Viktor Frankl

How we respond says a lot about us. It’s a reflection of our character, our beliefs, and our direction. More importantly, it sets an example for others to follow.

As we do our best to stop the spread of one contagious virus, we must also take measures to stop the spread of another — fear. Uncertainty breeds fear, panic and anxiety.

Similar to how we practice social distancing to stop COVID-19, so too should we distance ourselves from fear. In its place? Compassion, connection, and understanding, which are more important now than ever.

If anything good is to come out of this, I’ve taken it as a great reminder to slow down. To take a rest and be present. To enjoy quality time with my family, to connect with loved ones, to appreciate the little things, and to simply be still.

In the rush of our normal day to day, we get swept up in the pace, hurrying from one meeting to the next, constantly on the go, moving toward some future goal. And as we do, life rushes by. We tend to hurry through life but miss the moments that comprise it.

But now, well, we have a chance to slow down a little. And I can be grateful for that.

Because while these are indeed uncertain times, they are also temporary. The world will keep spinning, life will go on, and this too shall pass. Events will unfold as they will, but the one thing always within your control is your response. How will you respond?

Stay safe, stay strong and help each other out.

