Day 5 | The Lonely Bachelor

Ajit Mishra
Pens & Poems
4 min readDec 12, 2022


If only there had been dreams beyond paradoxes, nightmares would not have pursued him.

Hriday had become well-known a short time after entering the lives of countless students at the school. Teachers, students, locals, and visitors all had complimentary things to say about the new kid on the block. For a variety of political reasons, the Headmaster (let’s call him H.M.) traveled to the capital city frequently. He was a staunch supporter of the ruling party and practically their local spokesperson. In terms of giving people advice on whom to vote for, whom they shouldn’t, and why the ruling party was the greatest option, he was still the most vocal preacher. The sarpanch of the area was under his command. The school managing committee did not exert any pressure or conduct any audits on the H.M., leaving him to fend for himself like a king.

Hriday, therefore, had the advantage of being the youngest newborn, and everyone else appeared to have been simply celebrating his birth for much further than was expected.

While H.M. was often away for his political stunts, Mahesh Babu swiftly advanced to the role of acting headmaster — responsible for overseeing everything that happened at the school as a whole. From early morning garden maintenance to classroom cleaning, monitoring teacher and student attendance, and assessing the overall period’s progress. Mahesh Babu was in charge of everything in addition to his routine administrative and clerical duties. Mahesh Babu had the responsibility of not just upholding the school’s reputation but also winning over the community as the youngest guy on the faculty. His left and right hands, Bramha and Tiranth, performed duties on the ground like devoted soldiers.

As far as reputation goes, the school’s faculty had a solid standing in that regard. As a private school, It offered the advantages of both primary and secondary curriculums for grades 6 through 10. H.M. was specifically chosen by the local villagers two years prior to the school’s opening. One of the prominent educators in the entire subdivision, H.M. was well-suited to lead the institution due to his passion for communication and ability to influence others. Without a doubt, HM went above and beyond to personally select each teacher within the two years it took to build the school, brick by brick.

But as is often said, one’s reputation — which can sometimes be taken for granted — can also be the reason for their downfall and disgrace. How will the H.M. manage matters in the future, given his increasing popularity? Over time, we’ll talk about it more often.

Image Courtesy: Davide Benazzi

In order to get local attention, Mahesh Babu followed a stringent action plan. Though he was obedient, the School Management was charmed by his polished demeanor. Both students and teachers were conscious of his presence. Discipline was imposed on the faculty and students. It was quieter in the dorms at the school. The school garden was blossoming with fresh flowers from that season just a few months after he started working there. To ensure Mahesh Babu’s daily obligations were completed on time, Bramha and Tirnatha went above and beyond their regular responsibilities. The operations-excellence benchmarks for an ideal school were being met, and everything was moving in the right direction.

The Rhythm Divine

In the midst of all the excitement, Mahesh Babu’s life was becoming increasingly lonely. At 9 p.m., he would begin his regular night walk across campus to ensure that students at the hostel were well-fed and the lights were turned off by 9.15 p.m. Then, as was his habit, he would sit on the wooden bench beneath the mango tree and marvel at how quickly things were moving!

“I grew up so faster in time,
In the dark forest of fairy saplings,
By the fictitious banks of loneliness,
In muddy puddles and rainy riverine…

Under shadows of numb mountains,
Colluded with an adventurous mind,
Alluded by captivating feelings,
Fantasized to leave my old world behind…

Hunting clouds of hope across night sky,
As if a lonely nomadic king of lost time,
I grew up so faster in time,
Humming new lyrics of rhythm Divine!”

And right around that time, his less-than-glorious past would come hunting for him. The horrific chapters of his own struggles would play back in his mind. Who knows how much blood and sweat he’s shed in order to get this far?

Nonetheless, Mahesh Babu would continue to gaze at the night sky and wonder! In the claustrophobic dark silence, he would crave oblivion, a little rest, a peaceful sleep. If only a bolt of lightning could strike him! If only a thunderclap would knock him out! If only there was a pill that could make him forget, sleep, and wake up with no memory!

That’s all I’ve got for now, Medium. Let us take a break here while our protagonist’s insomnia persists. See you on Day 6!

The journey continues…

©Ajit Mishra, 2022. All Rights Reserved.



Ajit Mishra
Pens & Poems

Microsoft Product Leader, Techie, Spiritualist and A Creative Soul