Fatima’s Wings of Fire

“It was not until she stood tall and burned her veil that she truly felt liberated and free to roam the world as a true wanderer.”

Ajit Mishra
Pens & Poems
Published in
2 min readDec 22, 2022


The following poem tells the tale of Fatima’s courageous journey and her burning desire to explore the world, a story of liberation and the boundless potential of the human spirit.

Fatima stood tall, her veil ablaze,

As flames danced and flickered, a glowing maze.

A symbol of liberation and freedom’s fire,

She burned the darkness, her heart now higher.

Her journey had been long, a quest for truth,

A search for meaning, a search for youth.

But now, as she stood with the veil in flames,

She knew the new journey was no longer the same.

For her, the world was a vast & wondrous place,

Full of dreams with a bright future to embrace.

She burned the veil, a symbol of the past,

And looked ahead to the horizon, her future cast.

With a fierce determination and a burning desire,

Fatima set out for the world, like a true wanderer.

Her veil now gone, she was free to roam,

A digital nomad, the whole world is her new home!

Fatima’s Wings of Fire — A Poem By: Ajit Mishra
Fatima’s Wings of Fire — A Poem By: Ajit Mishra

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Ajit Mishra
Pens & Poems

Microsoft Product Leader, Techie, Spiritualist and A Creative Soul