Wheat Vs. Rose

Journey into the Enchantment of a Garden: Where Wheat and Roses Flourish in a Poem by Ajit Mishra

Ajit Mishra
Pens & Poems
Published in
3 min readJan 25, 2024


When you feel let down and suffer alone, wait for that angelic voice of wisdom. You never know! Sometimes, voices can provoke you to become a gardener. In those moments, you pause to look back, to look inside, deep within your soul. And there, you might stumble across a bunch of wheat and a few petals of a rose. Stay there. Let the introspection flow.

Recently, this happened to me too. Thanks to one such whispering voice, wisdom prevailed. I encountered the essay “Gehu Banam Gulab” by the great freedom fighter and Hindi writer, His Excellency Ramvraksha Benipuri. Then I paused to grab a pen, and this poem was born…

Wheat Vs. Rose | A Poem by Ajit Mishra
Wheat Vs. Rose | A Poem by Ajit Mishra

In my garden of being the gardener is “me”
Stands Wheat, the mind, in an endless line.
Roots in earth, yet looking upward and high,
Mirroring thoughts that push me up to fly.

Sturdy, constant, tricky, and ever-present,
The mind weaves tales, both harsh and pleasant.
A field of Wheat, with its pragmatic grace,
Anchoring my life in timeless and limitless space.

Amidst this familiar, fertile land of my body,
Blooms a Rose, so beautiful and grand.
Consciousness, unseen, delicate, yet profound,
In its petals, the collective universe is bound.

A Rose grows in my garden and sways in pure bliss,
Holding secrets of the gardener’s life with ease.
Its fragrance spreads, a call to higher planes,
Consciousness in purity rhymes and reigns.

The human emotions, of a gardener unwise,
Tending to care both under open hanging skies.
In Wheat, the mind’s trickeries swings in fast pace,
In Rose, the soul’s beauty enshrines eternal grace.

The mind, cultivates a field of Wheat, so vast,
Where thoughts and dreams stay overcast.
And in the Rose, consciousness prevails pure,
A higher dimension, ethereal & eternal for sure.

But the gardener plows in quiet repose,
Learned from both Wheat and Rose.
In the mind’s expanse, in the soul’s light,
He finds a path both clear and bright.

With hands that tend both earth and bloom,
He sees beyond life’s fleeting gloom.
In Wheat and Rose, lessons learned so deep,
Mind and consciousness, secrets they keep.

From soil to petal, root to sky,
He grasps the how, the where, the why.
In this union, wisdom’s seed is sown,
On enlightened paths, his steps have grown.

Nurturing the fields of Wheats and Roses,
The gardener’s wisdom gracefully flows.
In this body of earthly, muddy puddles of pain
He walks alone, awakened as a wiser man!

Wheat Vs. Rose, A Poem by Ajit Mishra
Wheat Vs. Rose, A Poem by Ajit Mishra

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Wheat Vs. Rose | A Poem by Ajit Mishra
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Ajit Mishra
Pens & Poems

Microsoft Product Leader, Techie, Spiritualist and A Creative Soul