3 things that have helped me have a healthy work-life balance

Published in
2 min readApr 5, 2023

A healthy work-life balance is so important to leading a fulfilling life. Balancing work and personal life can be challenging, especially today. However, this balance is essential to avoid burnout, reduce stress, and maintain physical and mental health.

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It’s important to prioritize time effectively and set boundaries between work and personal life. Here are 3 things that I have been doing that have helped me so far:

1. Taking mini-breaks.

Be it making a cup of tea, taking my dog for a walk, or stretching, this makes me feel like I can take my mind off the tasks I’m focused on, and once I’m back, it makes me work better.

2. Saying no when I have to.

Since I’m a person who’s always willing to help others, sometimes I would not set boundaries and end up overwhelming myself. So learning when to say no to things that were less important was a huge step for my mental health, making it possible for me to say yes to important things.

3. Unplugging after work.

Unless there’s something urgent, I am learning to respond to messages and emails only when I am working and leave my phone off when I’m not. This makes space for my mind to rest and feel more relaxed.

These are simple things, but they make a difference in making me feel better. Other activities could involve creating a structured routine that allows time for work-related tasks, personal interests, and relationships. Finding activities outside of work that bring joy and fulfillment can be a great way to achieve a better work-life balance. I hope this could help you somehow!

Paula Schemes Gusmão



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