How to use Pobble

Simon Blower
Published in
4 min readJun 27, 2019

Pobble is an approach to teaching writing which makes life easier for teachers and improves writing in schools. You can plan lessons, find exemplar writing examples, publish writing, share peer-to-peer feedback, use assessment and moderation tools and more!

Read on to discover 4 ways that you and your school can benefit from Pobble. Or just jump to our ‘9 ways to use Pobble 365’ blogpost.

4 ways you can benefit from Pobble

Pobble supports your teaching from start to finish, every day.

Pobble is proven to raise pupil attainment and reduce teacher workload, whilst bringing writing alive for your school community!

1. Plan your lesson

Pobble gives you hundreds of thousands of exemplar pieces of children’s writing

On Pobble you can quickly find the best examples of children’s handwritten work, sorted by genre, topic and age group. Even better, we have carefully moderated and selected ‘star pieces’ of writing on Pobble, covering all major genres for each age group: brilliant for teachers’ subject knowledge and also a fantastic way to set the bar high for children.

Our WAGOLLs provide inspiration and ideas to teachers while saving them from having to write their own (let’s face it, we’ve all been there!). Sign up for a free account and see them here.

Pobble saves you planning time

Pobble brings you the best teaching resources together, all in one place. Imagine searching for a genre or topic and finding age appropriate videos from the BBC, lesson plans from Hamilton, experiences from Google, and images from P365. Well with Pobble Resources you can! Bookmark what you need, or build them into a lesson on Pobble.

Deliver lessons easily and share them with your team

Not only can you save time finding the best teaching resources and WAGOLLs, you can bring them together in a simple lesson delivery tool. Add success criteria, activities and links to your lesson and save it in your lesson bank ready to deliver to your class. You can even present straight to your pupils’ device and have pupils submit their finished writing back to you. Return to lessons and edit for next year or even share with your colleagues.

2. Engage your class

Discover the excitement of peer assessment on a global scale

Pupil logins also allow children to search for writing exemplars and initiate their own independent learning at school or at home. They can filter by age, and search for writing from across the world, or in their own school. Whether being “Grammar Detectives” or researching a history topic, children can magpie ideas to help improve their writing.

Pupils are also encouraged to leave their peers feedback through Pobble’s commenting tool. They are supported to leave high quality, structured comments (positive and constructive) which are moderated by the Pobble team before going live onto the platform. How’s that for peer assessment on a global scale!

To see peer assessment in action, book a call with our team now.

3. Give pupils a purpose to write

Provide your children with purpose for their writing: a genuine, worldwide audience

We know that providing a purpose for writing is key and Pobble provides this in abundance! Children can become published authors, with their writing shared with a safe, worldwide community of schools on your individual school page. As well as receiving feedback from their parents and children and teachers from all over the world, they love Pobble’s celebration resources, such as ‘I’m a Published Author’ lanyards, stickers and certificates.

Take a look at an example of a school’s Pobble page.

4. Assess and moderate

Pobble makes writing moderation easier

Our moderation tool makes writing moderation quicker and easier, leading to greater consistency of assessment judgements within your school and within your wider school cluster. Support your staff team and give them confidence in their judgements, whilst building evidence in a safe environment.

Book a demo of our writing moderation tool now.

Is writing a focus in your school? Are you looking to make life easier for teachers? To find out more, book a short demo or sign up for a webinar.

