Making the Most of Your Remote Internship

Pocket Gems
Pocket Gems Tech Blog
4 min readJul 8, 2020

by Jackie Cruz

So, all your hard work has paid off and you’ve finally locked down an awesome internship. Congratulations! But accepting this role amidst a global pandemic probably has you wondering how in the world is it possible to be a successful virtual intern?

For most companies and students, remote internships are a completely new experience. The companies, however, are freely controlling how they adapt to their remote environment, while the interns are just expected to keep up.

Being an intern during this time can be quite intimidating, but here are some tips to help you make the most of the experience regardless.


As an intern, joining a new company and immersing yourself into all the action can be challenging. There is so much to learn and so little time! Plus, the dynamics of working remotely add a whole new set of challenges. Without physically being in the office, you can’t just tap on your mentor’s door whenever you’re stuck or have a quick question. The barrier to in-person communication makes it even more crucial for you to focus on staying in the loop daily.

Going that extra mile to stay in contact will also help to build trust within your team, keep everyone on the same page, and provide visibility on your progress. A quick post on the team message board, a check-in chat with your mentor, or an informal update to your manager are all ways you can accomplish this. At first, it may feel a bit extreme, but it’s better to over-share than to leave anyone uninformed. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there, ask clarifying questions, confirm your assigned tasks, and share the awesome things you’re doing!

Make an effort to build relationships

Social distancing may be in full effect, but that shouldn’t stop you from building meaningful relationships during your internship. As a newbie, it’s the perfect time to network with not only your intern cohort, but any members of the company with knowledge that could help you in your career. So, don’t miss out on that opportunity!

In a physical office, it’s typically easy to meet your new coworkers. In a remote office, however, you should be prepared to make more of an effort to introduce yourself and create those connections. Attend any virtual recreational events, set up one-on-one virtual coffee chats, and, most importantly, take every opportunity to participate and be present! If you don’t know where to start, feel free to ping your People Ops team — they’re a fun bunch!

Ask for help. No, seriously … ask for help!

Coming in as a remote intern, you’re going to have a ton of questions, probably all the time. You’re not alone in this! In fact, you are expected to have questions not only during your onboarding period, but throughout the whole term. The purpose of the role is for you to learn and grow, so take full advantage of that. Seeking knowledge is the best way to gain experience and feel integrated, so be sure to get those questions answered!

Set up a work from home (WFH) routine

You might have gotten the hang of this whole “WFH” thing down ever since your school began online courses, but it’s time to take it to the next level. Think about it — you have 10 or so weeks as an intern to put your best remote foot forward, so make the most of it!

First things first, you need to create a schedule for yourself. As a remote intern, you are expected to be online during work hours, but that doesn’t mean you have to be glued to your computer 24/7. Planning self-care time is just as important as planning professional time. Use your work calendar to set up a schedule that includes not just meetings, but also project time, lunch time, and any times you’re unavailable. Got a 5:00pm virtual yoga class? Mark it on your calendar!

And working from home means you can work in bed, right? Well … not quite. While it might be tempting to work from the comfort of your bed, it is crucial that you set up a workstation to give yourself a place to focus and set boundaries between your workspace and your living space.

Take care of yourself

This may or may not be your first internship, but it’s definitely your first time working one remotely during a global pandemic. It is completely okay to not feel 100% all of the time. You will be interning during a challenging and strange time, so cut yourself some slack! Remember to prioritize your health by disconnecting from work during non-work hours, make time for self-care, and, most importantly, take appropriate measures if you become ill.

I highly recommend being proactive and reaching out to your HR team about what policies are in place for interns in case of illness. The last thing we want is for interns to be working instead of taking time to recover.

Bottom line — be kind to yourself.

Final thoughts

COVID-19 has brought about so much uncertainty, but remember that internships are still meant to be an exciting opportunity! Don’t forget to have fun, balance your time, learn a ton, and focus on what you want to gain from the experience. At Pocket Gems, the health and safety of our employees is our #1 priority. This fall, Pocket Gems will be recruiting interns remotely from all schools across the United States. If you are interested in a Software Engineering or

Product Management internship for summer 2021, please fill out this form!

