Dragon Quest Community Call: Building with Decentralized Infrastructure | Pocket

Alberto Jauregui
Pocket Network
Published in
1 min readApr 13, 2020

At the beginning of the month, you may have heard our rally call for knights and wizards to build with Pocket at the Dragon Quest virtual hackathon. This week we’re hosting a community call to learn about Pocket and why it should be part of your inventory!

Here are the details:

04/16 at 6 PM to 7 PM CET (12 PM — 1 PM EST)


In the community call, we’ll discuss:

  1. What is Pocket?
  2. Pocket JS and Pocket Web3 Provider
  3. Dragon Quest Bounties
  4. Incentivized Testnet
  5. Q&A

For Dragon Quest, we are sponsoring two bounties valued at 500 DAI each:

Best Pocket SDK Integration


Build a Multi-Chain Application with Pocket


Also, we’ve recently launched Pocket’s Incentivized Testnet. This means those who integrate Pocket into their project or application and provide feedback will be eligible for additional rewards in POKT!

Slay two dragons with one sword ⚔️

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