Benefits of using ChatGPT and Brand Games to build a strong community of customers in Brand Metaverse.

A brand metaverse is a virtual world that a company can create to offer its audience or target market an immersive and interactive experience. It is commonly referred to as a customizable 3D environment that reflects the brand’s identity, values, and products or services. It is accessible via virtual reality and augmented reality devices. The purpose of a brand metaverse is to provide customers with a novel and engaging experience and to strengthen the relationship between the brand and its audience.

In a brand metaverse, the focus is on creating a unique and engaging experience for customers and strengthening the brand’s relationship with its audience.

However, the 3D metaverse has encountered several issues, including technical limitations, accessibility, user adoption, and interoperability. The 3D metaverse is an innovative concept with the potential to revolutionize the way we interact with virtual environments. Before it can become a mainstream platform, however, numerous technical, social, and economic obstacles must be overcome. Herein lies the significance of the 2.5D metaverse concept.

The 2.5D metaverse is a 2D or 2.5D virtual environment presented in a cartoon-like, simpler and more accessible format than the fully immersive 3D metaverse. This can help to address a number of 3D metaverse challenges, including technical limitations, accessibility, and user adoption. Additionally, ChatGPT and branded games can be integrated more easily in a 2D metaverse, which is extremely advantageous for brands.

Here are key benefits for integrating ChatGPT into a brand’s metaverse:

  1. ChatGPT could be programmed as a virtual assistant within the brand’s metaverse, offering instant support and assistance to customers as they navigate the virtual environment.
  2. ChatGPT could be used to provide customers with personalized product recommendations based on their preferences and past purchase history. This could aid customers in discovering new products and making educated purchasing decisions.
  3. ChatGPT could be programmed to engage customers in conversation, providing them with brand information, answering their questions, and soliciting their feedback.
  4. ChatGPT could be used to create interactive games, such as trivia contests or scavenger hunts, within the brand’s metaverse to keep customers engaged and entertained.
  5. ChatGPT could be used to provide real-time language translation within the brand metaverse, making it accessible to customers worldwide.

Brand games can play an important role in the brand metaverse by offering engaging and interactive experiences that meaningfully connect users to brands. Here are a few functions that brand games can serve in the brand metaverse:

  1. Brand awareness and promotion: Within the metaverse, brand games can be used to increase brand awareness and promote products or services. Users can be introduced to a brand in a positive manner by developing entertaining and engaging games based on its products or services.
  2. Customer engagement and loyalty: Brand games that provide users with entertaining and rewarding experiences can aid in fostering customer engagement and loyalty. By providing incentives or rewards for completing games or achieving certain objectives, brands can encourage users to engage with the brand more frequently and become more loyal customers.
  3. Product testing and user feedback: In the metaverse, brand games can also be used to test products and collect user feedback. By creating games that simulate real-world scenarios or challenges related to their products, brands can collect valuable data and insights that can be used to enhance their products or marketing strategies.
  4. Social sharing and virality: Brand games that are entertaining and easily shareable can also increase social sharing and virality in the metaverse. By designing games that users want to share with their friends and followers, brands can expand their reach and raise brand awareness to an even greater degree.

Overall, a brand metaverse, along with ChatGPT and brand games, is a powerful way for brands to get closer to their customers and stand out in a digital world where traditional marketing methods may not be as effective. This increases brand awareness, customer engagement, and customer loyalty. Brands can have a strong presence in the metaverse and build strong relationships with their customers.

In the second quarter of 2023, will offer the previously described automated tool of the brand metaverse in addition to brand games and ChatGPT for SME brands powered by Pocket Arena (

The beta version in Korean is currently accessible at (ChatGPT open chat mode and ChatGPT QnA mode will be available in May-June 2023).

