Join our New Castle Defense Live Stream!

1. Live streaming on Twitch, Facebook and YouTube Live!

We are glad to announce that we have started streaming live on Twitch, YouTube and Facebook live. Along with Kaush as the host, users will now be able to experience live gameplay of NFT Castle Defense and Castle Arena.

Check out the streaming now! Don’t forget to follow or subscribe for the upcoming live streaming.

Twitch: YouTube : Facebook

From our next stream on 30th September 2022 at 5PM(PH)/ 8AM(CH) onwards, we will also be featuring players from our community who will be in conversation with our host talking about battle strategies along with a feature of live gameplay.

2. Do you want to participate in the live streaming and earn 10$?

Stand a chance to be featured LIVE on Twitch, YouTube and Facebook Live.


- Desktop with internet connection

- Webcam and Mic

- Ability to talk in basic English

- Experienced player of Castle Defense

The 10 selected players will be featured on LIVE streaming for 20–40 mins together with Kaush, our streaming host and get rewarded 10$ BUSD right after the streaming. Apply here today!

About Pocket Arena

Pocket Arena’s vision is to create an easy-to-use and trusted gaming ecosystem for ordinary people to enjoy playing, grow digital assets and become the world’s biggest NFT DApp Mobile Gaming Platform.

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