Morning Routine

Photo by Jelena Senicic on Unsplash

Cold morning and cloudy sky. I open my eyes lazily. This warm rug is so cozy, I don’t want to leave yet. Even though my stomach grumbles angrily, I don’t care. Let me sleep for a minute or five more. It’s comfy.

“Rattle rattle!”

Uh oh. That beautiful sound. Scrunchy scrumptious foods! Mmm.. thinking about it made me drool a bit. But let me sleep a little more. Let me close my eyes for a moment more.

“Rattle rattle!”

I flinch my right eye open. Ugh… Should I go now? I stretch my back. Ahhh, what a life. Laying down here and living is just the best thing…

“Rattle rattle!”

I’m coming! I’m coming! Yes, yes. Ugh. Let me scratch my neck first. Scratch scratch scratch. See you later my lovely comfy rug!



Giri Prahasta Putra
pocket dimension society

A programmer who live inside his head. Sometime this corporeal body being asked to blurted some of his mind and thoughts