
Giri Prahasta Putra
pocket dimension society
2 min readJan 20, 2023

Here comes the time when I don’t plan anything and write everything that comes to mind. I’ve got nothing in my pocket. Yea yea, it’s already Friday and I said I need to be consistent about this writing thingy.

It’s 5:21 A.M., the sun is nowhere to be seen, maybe still trapped in another dimension . Phew, it’s a refreshing time to do some thinking.

….And suddenly two cats fighting (IT REALLY IS). What a refreshing time indeed.

The society of birds continues chirping among the trees…. Muffled by some motorcycle engines started somewhere. Why oh why every time I started to describe beautiful things it’s disturbed by .web of other “beautiful things”. *sigh*

Somehow the title of this post fits really well with what am I experiencing right now. Like Newton was hit by an .app le on its head, it inspired me! What is random?

In quantum mechanics, the universe is random. Everything is measured in a probability. In this theory, a particle could even be presented as a superposition, where it could be in two places at the same time. Remember Schrödinger’s cat thought experiment? It’s uncertain, but it can be measured, and the measurement only tells the probability of the outcome. So… is it really random? Or does our understanding of the quantum model still so early and we don’t have many /archives to read and only see it as random?

Photo by Jiawei Zhao on Unsplash

It made me think, in Islamic teachings, there’s no such thing as coincidence. God always has meanings for everything that happens. Maybe we usually called it fate, in Islam, it’s called Qadar. It’s an Arabic word and has the literal meaning of “Power”. This word also forms Taqdeer which means “absolute decree”. Does it mean there’s no such thing as free will? Of course not! You do have free will. We are presented with choices. Islamic teachings believe everything that you choose is already written because God has control over everything. So even tiny minuscule things like a roll of a die, it’s already been predetermined, but you do allow to choose. That’s why when you meet a Muslim and something unfortunate happened they’d say “innalillahi wa ina ilaihi rojiun”, which means “Surely, we belong to Allah and verily to Him do we return.” It belongs to God after all.

Randomness and how the universe revolves are mysterious. It’s fun and could feel like timey wimey wibbly wobbly. As a speck of dust in this trillion of floating stars, randomness is too chaotic for us. Even quantum mechanics /physics deliver ways to determine probabilities and expected outcomes. Living in randomness is also too overwhelming. Having something to grasp as our anchor of direction, in a way, is perfect.



Giri Prahasta Putra
pocket dimension society

A programmer who live inside his head. Sometime this corporeal body being asked to blurted some of his mind and thoughts