Money Week Q&A: Sam Bunkall

Actor, Shortland Street

Published in
3 min readAug 13, 2017


Sam Bunkall is a household favourite who plays surgeon Boyd Rolleston on Shortland Street. While growing up, Sam spent time in a number of continents, starting primary school in Malaysia and moving on to high school in Holland! Originally from Wellington, he’s now based in Auckland.

When Sam’s not busy acting as Boyd, he’s out in the community working at secondary schools around Auckland as an educator for a programme called BodySafe, which is run by Rape Prevention Education. The programme promotes healthy, respectful relationships and aims to prevent experiences of sexual harm and violence.

What’s the worst thing you’ve spent money on?

The worst thing I ever spent money on was a $500 plane ticket to Wellington because I missed the check-in cut-off for my flight by 30 seconds. There was only one flight left that night and I needed to get down there so…

How do you manage your money today?

I have three separate accounts — a daily, a short-term savings and a long-term savings. I put a little bit aside into both savings accounts each pay-check. I use the daily for most things and I try to only spend to the level that’s there. I only touch the short-term for things I’ve been saving for and try to keep long-term for future savings/emergencies.

What’s your best money hack?

The realisation that I really don’t need a lot of “stuff”. It’s easy to get sucked into thinking you need to have the latest clothing brands or lots of new tech. But you really don’t. If you’re confident, you can make whatever you’ve got work. And as long as your phone can help you organise a time to hang out with friends and loved ones, it’s a good phone.

What is a money goal you are currently working towards?

My honeymoon in India! Fortunately there are some really great low-cost airlines around that make life a lot easier there if you’re ok with entertaining and feeding yourself.

What are some expenses most people wouldn’t know you have, in your line of work?

When you get an audition for an overseas production you often have to send a “self-taped audition”. And if you want something a bit more professional-looking than a friend filming you on their phone, you have to pay someone to film you in their studio. So effectively you end up paying about $50 every time you audition.

See more from the Money Week Q&A series here!




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