Podcasts of the Year 2020

Nick Hilton
Pod Culture
Published in
11 min readNov 24, 2020


2020: a terrible year for humanity, a great year for podcasts

It is a magazine tradition, at least here in the UK, to publish an annual list of Books of the Year in these twilight months. Yet, despite podcast consumption ever more totally outstripping the appetite for literary fiction and non-fiction, I’ve yet to see the a Podcasts of the Year feature in the hallowed pages of a British magazine or newspaper. So here, without further ado, is the Pod Culture attempt at a Podcasts of the Year feature, packed with recommendations from some brilliant podcasters, journalists and writers.

Leon Neyfakh, host of Fiasco

I nominate Constellation Prize by Bianca Giaever. It’s hard to describe but roughly speaking it’s a series of stories about loneliness. She finds this totally unique cadence/tone that feels just familiar enough to be legible and immediate, and just destabilizing enough to be exciting and fresh.

Ed Morrish, audio comedy producer

My Year In Mensa, by Jamie Loftus, was brilliant. She took a story that most comics would have turned into an hour-long Edinburgh show and turned it into 4x40' chapters, with reported dialogue spoken by other actors, plus sound design/music, it really showed what comedy podcasts can learn from factual podcasting.

Alys Key, Deputy Business Editor at i newspaper



Nick Hilton
Pod Culture

Writer. Media entrepreneur. London. Interested in technology and the media. Co-founder podotpods.com Email: nick@podotpods.com.