Weekend List 10 December 2017

Mr. I
Published in
1 min readDec 10, 2017

Makassar, Irsyad — Hello guys! Today is Sunday and weekend. And yay, the time for exploring new programming language or another thing about ICT. BUT not for today. Today I have a simple task to do. Posting tutorial, playing music absolutely and exploring about Social Media Mining maybe.

Posting Tutorial

You can find my tutorial about Organization Management System, just find #oms or click oms in cloud tag. Before goes to technical things, I’ll explain more about design the most important thing in software development process. The design will guide the developer to write code as good as hope. Before doing other things, I have to install Edraw and Foxit PDF Reader.

Music Playlist

Should I tell you my favourite music again? My favourite music is the old song, rock and reggae, and sometimes I was playing EDM. Upbeat music can help us to get more spirit. In my playlist I have puts The Beatles’ songs, Ras Muhammad’s songs, and another rock and reggae musician. So far bellow is my playlist today.

By the way, sad moment when my Beatles disc was getting lost a few months ago. 😣 I should tell you that it was harder things to find The Beatles discography disc. But that was OK. I have a copy of it.

Social Media Mining

Hmm. Did I have a promise to write about this one? I thought no. But I would try to write about it today.

Random Thoughts

And today I can be guaranteed that I will write about random thought.



Mr. I
Editor for

Code using various programming language commonly based on JVM (Java, Scala, Groovy) with DBMS (Oracle, PostgreSQL & MySQL)