The Importance of Audio Quality to your Podcast

You probably wouldn’t watch a movie made with a camera phone

Alex Kontis
Sonics Podcasts


Imagine turning up to the cinema after hearing great reviews for a film only to find out that the video quality is the same as a phone camera from 2003 would produce. You’d be pretty disappointed to say the least.

We should have the same mentality around podcasts too.

One of the biggest turn offs when I listen to new podcasts is the quality of the audio. Within the first few seconds it’s possible to tell that the audio has been recorded badly and if so then I’m out.

This isn’t because I might have a higher threshold as I produce my own show and work with others — it’s because quality audio reveals that the show was created diligently and should be taken seriously.

Let’s run through why high quality audio is important and how you can achieve it with your show too.

Why is Audio Quality Important?

Take a listen to some of the top-ranked shows on iTunes or Google Play. What do they all have in common?

They all sound like they’ve been recorded well with a consistent standard in audio quality. Dialogue is clear and without distractions, sound effects might be tastefully…

