Landing that one BIG podcast sponsor đź’¸

Jay Acunzo gives us the blueprint

Courtney Kocak
Podcast Bestie


Have you ever heard a podcast consistently feature one big brand sponsor and thought, “How did they make that happen?!” Well, I interviewed author, speaker, and podcaster Jay Acunzo to get the scoop ⬇️

When you started this podcast, how did you position yourself to attract sponsors early on? Did you begin with the intention of landing one main sponsor?

JA: To be honest, I didn’t start Unthinkable with sponsors in mind as a viable revenue source. It launched in 2016 for two reasons: to create a public aeration vehicle for my ideas (and collect stories and insights around the problem I was exploring ahead of my first book) and to get more reps and reach as a public speaker (since paid keynote speaking was quickly becoming my top revenue driver).

But because I positioned the show early on as a journey to solve one big problem facing my audience, and because I told stories and produced an experience not typically found among the very rote business niche, I was able to create such a passionate audience that two things happened about 50 episodes in.

I’m not selling brand awareness. I’m selling brand affinity. I don’t need a huge audience. I need a passionate one.

