Fellow Podcast Lover, Write for Us!

Elizabeth Lew
Podcast Clubhouse
Published in
2 min readAug 27, 2023


Hi reader,

Liz here inviting you to write for this publication! Need to know more? See below!

Photo by Jonathan Farber on Unsplash

The Goals

The main reason why I created this publication is because I’m a podcaster. I enjoy working on my show. I want to try to make the show better. Maybe even get a larger audience. Aside from the various tasks to produce episodes, I find time to do a lot of research. I’ve tried digging around on Medium to see what other people have to say. To my surprise the many podcasting publications are either:

  1. created by Podcasting affiliated companies or
  2. fairly old with not much written after 2021.

And what do you do when you can’t find something you’re looking for? You make it yourself!

This is a modest attempt to create a publication that I would want to read:

  1. Reviews of products and services related to podcasting from users
  2. Recommendations of new podcasts to check out (If you have a podcast, you are welcome to submit an article about your show!)
  3. Guidance and how-to’s on podcasting related issues that crop up.

That’s where you come into this story reader. I’m looking for writers and maybe even another editor to help manage this publication.


So some of you at this point might be wondering, who are you looking for in a writer for this publication? All I’m asking for is that if you want to write for this publication, you should be at least one of the following:

  1. A podcaster (or you’ve ended a show and have a lot of experience to share!)
  2. Sound editor and/or Video editor (for video podcasts!)
  3. Marketer (especially one who specializes in podcasting promotion)

If you’re any of these things, you’d be perfect for this publication!

Final Notes

You might be interested in writing for this publication. Great! You might also be wondering what sort of editor-in-chief I’m going to be. Unless you specifically request me to do so, I’m not really going to be reading your submission with a fine tooth comb. I’m only going to be reading your submission just to make sure it’s the type of article that fits what I wrote above in the “Goals” section.

Feel free to read the articles that have been published to give you some ideas about what exactly to submit. And always feel free to send me a question. Speaking of sending me questions…

How to Submit

Just shoot me an e-mail! Contact me at elewpodcasts@gmail.com with the subject line “Podcast Clubhouse” so I know that you are interested in writing for this publication. Let me know what type of articles you want to work on or submit and what your podcast related experience is. If I don’t respond within 48 hours, please leave a comment here. Thanks for reading!



Elizabeth Lew
Podcast Clubhouse

Data analyst, nerd, wannabe writer, and podcaster. Check out https://beacons.ai/elizabethlew for my links.