Mind Over Matter: Embracing a Growth Mindset in Podcasting

Golden Goose Creative
Podcast Clubhouse
Published in
4 min readFeb 2, 2024
Be Fearless, Be You

Leaping to start your podcast can be one of the biggest hurdles. From “what will I talk about” to what will people think? Imposter syndrome is a huge challenge that many podcasters (and people in general) experience.

See Arianna Huffington (the founder and CEO of Thrive Global, and the author of fifteen books) where she says, “The greatest obstacle for me has been the voice in my head that I call my obnoxious roommate. I wish someone would invent a tape recorder that we could attach to our brains to record everything we tell ourselves. We would realize how important it is to stop this negative self-talk. It means pushing back against our obnoxious roommate with a dose of wisdom.”

It’s something that even people who have “made it” experience. But overcoming it can set you free and bring some incredible opportunities and experiences you never thought were possible for yourself, including starting a podcast.

Continue reading to get some tips on embracing a growth mindset.

What is Imposter Syndrome

So, what exactly is imposter syndrome? The Dictionary defines it as “the persistent inability to believe that one’s success is deserved or has been legitimately achieved as a result of one’s own efforts or skills.”

Is this something that sounds like you? It can be so easy to get caught up in our thoughts and feelings. I mean even we here at Golden Goose Creative have experienced it a lot while starting a podcast management business — from getting it started to posting content. There is always a little bit of self-doubt.

Some common signs and feelings that you also may experience are:

  • negative self-talk/lack of confidence
  • regularly comparing to others
  • People-pleaser tendencies
  • Look for external validation
  • societal expectations / personal pressures

It can be easy to get caught up in the comparison trap with other podcasters and set unrealistic standards for yourself. But remember, even experts in any field, were beginners too — we all have to start somewhere.

Steps to Change Your Mindset

But you don’t have to live the imposter syndrome life forever. Sure, it will continue to come up but there are steps to help you change your mindset.

You’ll want to recognize and interrupt when negative thought patterns arise.

  • It’s easier said than done. But when those thoughts start emerging recognize them. Then instead start challenging and adding positive thoughts in place.
  • For example, if you keep having thoughts that no one will want to listen to your podcast, flip the script and think about how if you are interested in the topic other people out there will be too. Plus, don’t forget to focus on what you are watching, reading, and scrolling through on social media — sometimes we don’t realize the impact of what we are regularly consuming can affect our thoughts.

Self-reflect and do affirmations.

  • These can help change the way you think about yourself and your imposter feelings. Again, if you are struggling with starting a podcast create some affirmations to regularly repeat to yourself to change your mindset towards it.

Create a supportive podcasting environment

  • Start building a network of fellow podcasters and others in the industry. For us, it was a game changer once we started connecting with others who “understood” what were going through. The community is so kind and always willing to lift each other, that type of environment can make you feel like you can do anything!

Continuing to Push out Imposter Syndrome

It isn’t a quick feat but the more you work on pushing out imposter syndrome the easier it gets. To help continue pushing out those feelings consider…

Celebrating your milestones

  • Whether that’s baby steps or accomplishing big goals in your podcasting journey, celebrating them all will help motivate you and remind you of how far you’ve come. It can be easy to get caught up in the next thing and not take the time to realize what you’ve done. Don’t forget to celebrate the big and small things!

Don’t stop learning

  • It may seem like you just have to fight imposter syndrome for a few days and then you are ready to conquer anything. But the truth is, building a growth mindset you’ll have to continue working on it and learning more. Including learning about yourself and what makes you happy as well as continuously learning new things and being adaptable.

Embrace your challenges and negative thoughts

  • As Dolly Parton says, “The way I see it, if you want the rainbow, you gotta put up with the rain.” Even though it seems easier to stay in our thoughts and comfort zone, pushing through and taking on our challenges and thoughts head-on can lead us to even better on the other side.

Embracing Imposter Syndrome in Podcasting

Imposter syndrome is common whether you are a podcaster or just a person trying to make it through this world on your own terms, whatever it is you can embrace it and turn it around.

It’s time to shift your perspective, take on your challenges, and realize those are moments of opportunity and growth. Don’t let what others can’t do, stop you from doing what you CAN and WANT to do. As many of the nay-sayers are projecting their fears out.

You only have one life, don’t live out of fear of others. No matter where you are, embrace your unique journey in both life and podcasting.

Let me know in the comments if you have experience with feelings of imposter syndrome and self-doubt and ways that have helped you push through.

I am rooting for you!




Golden Goose Creative
Podcast Clubhouse

Aleea and Hav help female podcasters hatch and support the podcasting of their dreams. www.goldengoosecreative.com