Podcast episode show notes and examples

Dan Jean
Podcast content script writer
20 min readMar 28, 2021

Podcast show notes: How to easily and quickly write podcast episode show notes that your listeners will love and share with others

Dear Podcaster,

I am Dan Jean, a podcast content writer and I want to help you write a very engaging podcast show notes that will help you get more listeners and download for your podcast show.

You will absolutely love the actionable tips in this post if…

· You are looking for podcast show notes examples and templates to help you create your episode notes

· You are looking for tips and ideas to help you create podcast show notes

You are looking for ideas about how to make podcast show notes worthy for SEO

…plus a whole lot more.

Are you ready to rock and roll? Ok, let’s get started by first watching two short videos to get a clear view of what goes into creating great podcast show notes.

Here you go. Just hit play and make notes. Enjoy and prosper.

Podcast show notes video example #1

Podcast show notes video example # 2

Now, let’s read this story.

A rookie New York cop was on his first day in a patrol car. The sergeant had teamed hum up with a more experienced partner. After a quiet hour, a call came through asking them to disperse a group of people who were loitering on the corner of 43rd street.

‘’ I will handle this,’’ said the rookie excitedly. So when they got to 43rd street and saw a small crowd on a corner, he leaped out of the car and yelled: Ok, move along now. Haven’t you got homes to go to? The crowd were reluctant to disperse, so he repeated the command: Come on now, move on.

Puzzled, they slowly drifted off in direction directions. The rookie climbed back excitedly and said to his partner, not bad, huh?

Yeah, you did Pity it was a bus stop. There is more work ahead of us! At that, the rookie’s face fell and said; oh my I think I should consider quitting.

Did you enjoy it? And did it make your day?

Now, if you were to tell someone this joke or story, I know you might probably tell it as it is. At best, you might tell it in your own words or even summarize what you have just read.

Very busy and don’t have time to write a podcast show notes? I can help you write a captivating podcast show note. Click here for help now.

In the same way, your podcast show notes are like the summary of your show. They are the notes and bullet points that recap the major highlights of your podcast episode content.

Your podcast show notes work like a blog post and it gives your listeners a perfect idea of what to expect when they click play to listen to your podcast episode.

If the description is as boring as hell, it will tune them off. It acts more like a prequel and sequel to a great story because it gives an idea of what you are going to deliver and it also connect listeners with your brand on a much deeper level.

So you really have to take pains to write a great podcast show note that will not also entice them to listen to your show but also compel them to take whatever action you desire.

As are pretty much aware, most podcast notes are as boring as jokes gone bad as they don’t fully articulate the content of a podcast in a way that readers and listeners can connect with, in a very compelling manner.

There are several reasons for this but I am going to show you two.

One of the reasons being that most podcasters don’t know what goes into writing great podcast episode show notes.

The other being that they don’t really know the value podcast episode notes or show summary brings to the table.

I know you are wondering why a well written podcast episode show notes are so important to the success of your show. Ok, I am happy to explain.

First, podcast show notes can help you get more listeners so your message can reach out far and wide.

How so? Ok, let’s get into the details of that. As you know, when someone is looking for an answer to their problem, they naturally go over to Professor Google.com and his compatriots like Bing.com to look for solutions to problems that keep them up at night.

If your podcast content shows up as they go about it and is valuable enough to solve some, if not all , of their problems, you will end up getting listeners and ultimately loyal fans.

As sad as it sounds, we lose a ton of people who could have been blessed by our message and possibly have become our devoted listeners because most show summaries don’t cater to the needs of these searchers.

Well, if you have any doubts, just head over to Google.com or your favorite search engine and try to insert any keyword you have in mind and not even a single podcast will pop up on the front page of that search engine.

I absolutely love illustrations, so let’s please pretend we want to lose weight, so we can get figure out how it works on Google. Based on that safety human need, I will insert the keyword ‘’how to lose weight without exercising’’ into the search bar.

Here’s what I got.

Did you see any podcast show in there? I didn’t see any of that even on the second page.

There is tool called ubbersuggest that is used by most marketers to determine the number of searchers for any given search and it does indicate that there are 9, 900 searchers for that exact search term we are looking at. I must point out that Google has its own search tool called the Google Keyword Planner Tool.

Just imagine how many listeners podcasters in that search category would have gotten if they were found in that coveted first page spot.

To secure that golden spot, you would have to create an action packed podcast episode notes based on the needs of these Googlers. Just think about that for a moment and carefully consider what that would do for your show.

The good news is that you can get more listeners and downloads from search engines by churching out useful and relevant content consistently based on the search intent folks are desperately looking for and they will reward you for being there for them so to speak.

Which brings me to the next question: What practical steps would you recommend to any podcaster who wants to appeal to the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of these searchers?

Okay, this is what I want you to do now.

First, write down the theme or goal of your podcast episode. Are you seeking to help dog owners train dogs, helping parents take care of their new born, or what? Please write it all down.

Next, ask yourself what your listeners pressing needs and anxieties are as that will be the backbone of your show notes. Those needs can be culled from your podcast audio content.

Once you have captured all the essentials, you just have to put together a summary of your episode notes and sprinkle it generously with the keywords those searchers are desperately looking for.

For example, if my podcast content is about ‘’sex in marriage’’, then i will start writing my show notes like this since Google’s keyword planner tool tells me that people want ideas about ‘’sex in marriage’’

Now, please watch me closely while I spring into action.

Experts say that sex in marriage may get boring after you are married to the same person for a very long time. Many couples agree with this. But it doesn’t have to because….

Did you see how i incorporate my keyword: ‘’sex in marriage’’ into that snippet? When you do that so well, Google will take notice of that and if searchers love your content when they stumble on it, they will reward you by pushing your post up in the search engines over time.

Let me also add that adding the transcription of your podcast episode to your shownotes page can significantly increase the chances of getting your content highly ranked in the search engines as Mr. Google and his family place premium on content that is very detailed and valuable.

And that brings us to another very useful benefit:

Using show notes for widespread social media exposure

Have you noticed how common social media sharing buttons have become in recent times?

It looks like every social media page, blog, website and even podcast show notes pages have these buttons to encourage their followers to share their content with their own audience.

Sadly, however, most of them don’t heed this simple request because it’s so self-serving. For your podcast show notes to gain traction, you first have to earn the trust of your listeners.

Guess what? Creating valuable content on a consistent basis that appeals to your listener’s needs and desires can earn you their trust over time. Once you have got it, you will intuitively share your content without even asking them to.

By the way, here are some simple and practical ideas you can implement on your show notes page to give it a wider outreach.

a. Include share buttons on your page

b. Use insightful quotes, info graphics, guestographics, and other statistics and ask them to share it via facebook, pinterest, Linkedin, and twitter. For example, if your show notes or summary is centered on this topic: ‘’How to sleep well at night’’ then you can include bulleted quotes and then sprinkle them throughout your show notes content.

With that being said, you also have to be a little proactive on social media sites so you can put out the word out there.

To do that, you can join a couple of groups based on your podcast’s theme and share your show notes there when it becomes necessary.

Not good with words. But still want to write a captivating podcast show notes. Click here for help now.

For example, if you are an expert on online marketing you can join a few groups on Facebook and find a more clever way to share your show notes there.

Someone one might ask a question and your show summary might contain the answer the questioner is looking out for.

A word of caution though: Make sure what you share is useful and that you are genuinely there to help fellow group members. By doing so, they will see you as a trusted ally and share your notes without telling them to do that.

That brings us to the third benefit:

How podcast show notes can help you get enormous amount of search traffic to your website or blog

Once you have put in the effort and followed the required steps outlines above, it’s only natural to find lots of people flocking to your website or blog or social media space or even on show notes page.

Here’s what I have learned. Most podcasters share their website links within their show summary notes so that folks who get there would learn more about their offerings. What a great idea!

Unfortunately, they don’t do it so well because they simply ask people to go there to learn more.

For example: If you want to learn more, click here.

What if, you point them to your website so you can capture their name and email by offering them a valuable gift in exchange for those details.

It’s common for lots of podcasters to list several actions they want their audience to do but that’s so wrong.

Now, let me illustrate with this example. Suppose you meet an old friend and he asks you tons of questions about how life has been like.

You meet another old friend another time who asks you one question at a time about how life has been like over the years.

Which of these approaches would you find irritating and why?

I am sure the first friend might get on your nerves because we are not wired to accomplish several tasks at once.

Similarly, you ask your listeners to commit to several things at a go when you wrap your show, it would lead to choice paralysis and your listener or reader might not take any action at all.

Your show notes or podcast summary is a great real estate to get micro commitments from your listeners by introducing them to one thing at a time because that encourages fast decision.

Once, you have done that, you will earn their trust over time and then you can introduce more products and services to them which they would gladly consider.

Moreover, it’s common for the host or hostess to list resources at the foot of their show notes page.

There is nothing wrong with this approach. But what if you directed the readers to another episode whose theme is somewhat similar to what they just consumed so you can actively engage your listeners.

For example, if the podcast title or episode is about: How to Manage Your Finances in a down Economy

Then, you might as well direct your listeners or readers to a show note page with content about say: How a Frustrated Couple Managed Their Finances during the Melton, and How You Can Do Same

This works all the time, but it’s sad most people waste this precious opportunity to connect with their constituents on a much deeper level by engaging them more on issues that are dear to their hearts.

Now, let’s look at this:

How to write your own podcast show notes.

To do that, it’s best to look at examples of some of the best podcast show notes examples out there so we can a fair idea of what goes into writing a very engaging show summary.

Podcast Show Notes Example or Template # 1: 802–7 Times World Champion Surfer Layne Beachley On Success(James Schramko Podcast)

You can learn how to win from winners. And in this episode of SuperFastBusiness, we’ve got a real champion as guest — a seven-time surfing world champion, that is.

Layne Beachley is one of the most famous female surfers. She came to the sport early, starting when she was four. She looks back fondly now on her childhood, but the road to becoming a champion was not an easy one.

Female surfer seeks healthier environment

Going to an all girls’ high school, Layne found things rather toxic. Why did girls have to be so hard on each other, so emotionally vindictive, she wondered. She much preferred the company of guys, and when she started competing as a teenager, it was against male surfers.

In the amateur rounds, Layne started going up against girls. She found that they wouldn’t celebrate the success of others, but would bring down anyone who beat them. Disliking that environment, Layne backed out of the amateurs.

Navigating the rough patches

Breaking into professional surfing was no piece of cake. Layne endured fatigue, poor health, and difficult travel. Women’s surfing was not as well-sponsored as men’s, and she had to live on a limited budget.

Journaling was a tool for her then, both to weather the difficult times and to celebrate the good, and it still is. It was in hindsight and by looking back through those journals that she realized how much harder some things were for her than they needed to be… Please go here for the detailed notes

Did you see how the first example was written? Ok, let’s move on to the next example. Please study it carefully.

Podcast Show Notes Example or Template # 2: The Sigrun Show… How to Be Successful in Love and Business at the Same Time with Sami Wunder

Is it possible to be successful in love and business at the same time? High achieving women know exactly how to get what they want when it comes to business, but sometimes struggle to have the same success with their romantic relationships.

When Sami Wunder was finishing her master’s degree in Germany 10 years ago, she knew what she wanted from life: A successful career and a family with children. However, when she started looking for a serious partner, she soon found her dating life to be a disaster. No matter how many times she tried, things would never move forward with the right man. After a few months in she would realise it wasn’t the right match, or would end up heartbroken herself.

She decided to understand what was making it so hard for an intelligent, attractive, sensitive woman to find love and studied the differences between men and women. She learned what attraction really means and how important it is to embrace her feminine side.

9 months after shifting her mind, she met her future husband. Now, they’re happily married for seven years and have two children.

Finding herself in a foreign country after her husband accepted a job in France, Sami decided to start her own business helping successful women with what she had mastered herself: Finding their happily-ever-after.

Her business was born in 2016 and today, has grown into a multiple 7-figure business. So far, she has helped 192 women being successful in love alongside their business.

In this episode, Sami shares the reasons why successful women struggle with their romantic relationships and the limiting beliefs they experience. She talks about how to attract the right match and how to deal with being more successful than your partner.

Are you wondering how high achieving women can be successful in love AND business? Then this episode is a must!

“Our relationships can only go as deep as the love we have for ourselves.” — Sami Wunder

What you will get out of this episode:

  • How love became Sami’s topic (4:05)
  • Building a successful business helping women with their relationships (12:50)
  • How to attract the right match as a successful business woman (19:54)
  • Where to meet the right person (27:00)
  • How to deal with being more successful than your partner (31:20)

Curious how I found love as a successful business woman? Hint: It was at a Tony Robbins event.

How to Attract the Right Match and Be Successful in Love AND Business

Attracting the right partner starts with your own beliefs. When a woman who is successful, driven and ambitious experiences repeated failure and rejection when dating, her mindset starts to get negative around men and what’s possible for her.

Sami says that many of her clients experience the same limiting belief: Success pushes potential partners away. If you’ve ever experienced this belief, here are two ways to get over it:

Embrace a different belief

Believing that your success scares away romantic partners would lead to the conclusion that you have to give up on your dreams and dial down your own success in order to find love. That’s not the right approach. Instead, embrace the belief that it’s absolutely possible to have amazing business success and amazing love at the same time. Sami has it. I have it. And you can have it, too.

Build a connection through showing your vulnerability

When women become successful, they tend to identify a lot with that success. Unintentionally, they become ego-led in their interactions with a potential partner. They show off how amazing they are — and even though this doesn’t necessarily put off the other person, it doesn’t establish a connection with them either. The right partner won’t care about your success, but a real connection. That’s why you have to stop identifying so much with what you’ve achieved and show up as the true person you really are.

It doesn’t mean you have to dumb down or pretend to be something you’re not. It simply means showing vulnerability. Instead of presenting the high-achieving, action-taking boss you are in your business, show your vulnerable, soft, and feminine side. That’s when you start allowing yourself to be successful in love and business.

Were these tips helpful for you? You can follow and connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Plan Your Business Success for 2021

Are you ready to set your goals and map out your vision for 2021? On December 10th, you can join me for a day of results-driven planning using the exact framework I’ve used to build my multiple 7-figure business….Please click here for the remainder of the notes

I know you might be wondering how best you can write something similar to that. It’s as simple as writing A.B.C

How so? I am happy to show you how those examples can inspire you to create your own podcast show notes.

To write something catch and engaging, you first have to prepare and plan for what to include and what to leave out before you actually attempt to jot down your ideas.

You can follow these pointers to help you do justice to that.

First, scroll up and read carefully the example we looked at above.

Second, then listen to your podcast episode over and over again and see if you model yours after those samples.

Third, you have got to start writing once you are fully conversant with how you can fit the broken pieces together.

Now, let’s see how the actual writing is done.

First, you should get a framework and the best way to go about it is to prepare your show notes format.

The format basically comprises of the following composite elements:

a. Episode summary

b. Episode player

c. Time code

d. Full topic guide or the actual writing of the show notes

e. Mentioning relevant resources with links

Now, let me briefly explain the purpose of each element.

a. The episode summary as the name suggests captures briefly what the podcast show notes is all about

b. The episode player is the audio file that is embedded within your show notes

c. The time code gives you an idea of how the shows progresses from start to end and it also enables the listeners to skip to the part that speaks to them most

d. The full topic guide is a written breakdown of what the show is about with links to the resources mentioned in the podcast.

e. The resources section is generally a list of the main resources mentioned throughout the podcast episode.

Want help with your podcast show notes. Click here for help now.

Since we know what goes into creating show notes, let’s look at how the examples above were written.

As in every piece of writing, there are three parts of your podcast show notes: introduction, body, and conclusion.

The title or heading of your podcast summary should work in concert with your introduction because once you have succeeded in grabbing the attention of your audience; the next few lines should lead them into the body copy.

To write a great opening, you can employ one or more of the following ideas.

First, you can use a captivating story based on the content of the podcast episode. If you are great with words, you can start off with a fictional piece that has some semblance with the theme of your episode.

Here’s an example: Suppose, your content is about how a podcaster saved a listeners life, you may begin like this:

When Mike decided to talk on air one morning, he didn’t know that his voice will help someone escape a tragic death…..

Did you notice how I weaved in the element of suspense into that story? Don’t you think the reader will keep reading on until he finds what really happened? That’s exactly how to hook to use your podcast notes to hook your audience in.

Second, people have no choice but to respond to you when you pose a question. Similarly, your listeners will give their mental assent when you ask a thought provoking question. Let me illustrate with this example.

Let’s say your podcast topic is: ‘’How to get more episode downloads’’; you can simply start with this rhetorical question as seen in the example below.

Most podcasters struggle to get downloads and listeners. But, did you know you can simply use this little known method to easily get massive downloads?

Did you see how I interspersed those lines with the pain points of most podcasters and the curiosity it invokes?

Third, you can simply bring up the pain points or struggles your listeners are facing and they will read every word of it. This is by far the most effective way of connecting with your listeners on a very personal level. For example, if your listeners are desperately looking for ideas to help them secure advertisement on their podcast shows, you can start like this.

Every podcaster dreams of that day when are able to make money with ads. Nonetheless, it’s no easy to do that…..

Did you watch how that extract appealed to the needs and wants of fellow podcasters?

Fourth, you can share something personal if it’s somewhat related to the theme of your show.

Fifth, you can start by debunking conventional wisdom or come up with a contrarian viewpoint and you sure will get eyeballs on your podcast show notes.

Now, here are simple and practical steps you can easily to write the body of your podcast show notes.

First, determine what the needs and wants of your listeners are for a particular episode. This will help you choose the right keywords for your show notes so you can get traffic to your show notes page.

Second, listen to your podcast content over and over again and put down the main ideas or take away from listening to your show.

Third, scroll up to read the examples above and jot down what you really want to highlight in bullet points as well as the benefit of each idea to your readers.

Fourth, you can include time stamps to help your listeners to listen to parts of it that appeals to them as seen below. Remember, not every one will listen to the entire show.

Fifth, using the main ideas gleaned above, write down a rough draft based on a proven example like this one. Then, revise it and include quotes from the speaker on your show, relevant images to complement the copy and infographics to make your podcast show notes look absolutely stunning.

Starting a podcast show and juggling other personal commitments can be very stressful.

Aside from taking good care of yourself and family, you have a lot of things to take care off to make your show a hit. You have book guests, interview them, record your voice, edit, and even write out your content before promoting your show.

All these tasks can take an awful lot of time.

When it comes to writing an engaging podcast show notes, it becomes even more worrying because you need to put in a lot of work to attract not only the right audience but also to help the search engines spread your content out there for good.

So, it’s not an easy walk in the park.

Well, you don’t have to stress over it so much because we can help you write a captivating podcast show notes that can accomplish all the purposes outlined above so you can win zealous new fans too.

Interested? You should if

You have no idea what goes into writing a very engaging podcast show notes or summary

You are not good with words and you are not so sure about how to do it right

You are very busy and just don’t have time to put something together by yourself

You are expecting nothing less than a podcast show notes that will attract eye balls who will help spread your message far and wide

Ok, I am Interested, What’s the Cost?

You simply pay what you want after you’ve got your podcast show notes.

Why? As you know, the current health crisis has caused severe hardships for most people.

Precious lives have been lost, jobs wiped out and families displaced, leaving everyone wondering what the future holds.

Yet, podcasters are still planning shows and I love it when I read how shows have been beneficial in the lives of listeners.

So, please what you want now. When life gets back to normal, others are going to pay a flat fee for this to be done and this offer will be scrapped for good.

Remember, we are not only here to help you write your podcast show notes but give you good tips and advice about how to get more listeners with your podcast show summary.

So, please take advantage of it now even if you are planning your show or you are just thinking about it.

Please click here now and let’s help you write a very engaging podcast show notes that will make your podcast show stand out.

